Hyphens versus Dashes (2024)

The Difference between a Hyphen and a Dash

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What's the difference between a hyphen and dash? Put simply, hyphens are joiners, and dashes are separators. For example:

Hyphens are joiners.

  • The report has a three-page summary.
  • (Here, the hyphen joins "three" and "page" to show they are one grammatical entity. In this case, the two words form one adjective, known as a compound adjective.)
  • She is suspicious of her mother-in-law.
  • (In this example, the hyphen joins "mother," "in," and "law" to show they are one grammatical entity. In this case, the three words form one noun, known as a compound compound.)

Dashes are separators.

  • Uranus — just like Venus — rotates from east to west.
  • (In this example, the dashes separate the parenthesis from the rest of the sentence. They are being used as parenthetical_punctuation, such as parentheses or commas.)
  • The Great Fire of London took place 2–6 September 1666.
  • (The dash separates the elements in a range (in this case, a date range). The dash is used instead of a "from-to" construction.)
  • I demand just one thing — effort.
  • (Here, the dash separates the sentence. It is, in fact, being used like a colon.)

So, dashes and hyphens look similar, but they have very different functions in writing.

Table of Contents

  • Why Hyphens and Dashes Are Important
  • Types of Dashes and Hyphens
  • The Function of the Hyphen
  • The Function of the Em Dash
  • The Function of the En Dash
  • Test Time!
Hyphens versus Dashes (1)

Why Hyphens and Dashes Are Important

In truth, you could use a hyphen (the key to the right of the 0) every time and only the strictest of grammar pedants would highlight that your hyphen ought to have been a dash. However, if you did that, you'd be missing an opportunity to showcase your writing skills and, particularly for those times when the longest dash (the em dash) ought to be used, you'd be diminishing the clarity of your writing too.

Types of Dashes and Hyphens

The four main dash-like characters are a hyphen, an em dash, an en dash, and a minus sign. Here they are ordered from the longest to the shortest:

NamePunctuationHow To Get One
em dashCtl + Alt + minus (on the numeric pad)
Alt + 0151
minus signminus (on the numeric pad)
hyphen-- (the key to the right of "0")
en dashCtl + minus (on the numeric pad)
Alt + 0150

When using normal-sized fonts, the only one that stands out is the em dash. The others are largely indistinguishable from each other.

The Function of the Hyphen

Hyphens are joiners. There are never spaces around a hyphen.

(1) Hyphens join the words in a compound adjective.

For example:

  • He owns a three-seater aircraft. Hyphens versus Dashes (2)
  • Are these free-range eggs? Hyphens versus Dashes (3)
  • It is a high-quality hotel. Hyphens versus Dashes (4)

Read more about hyphens in compound adjectives.

(2) Hyphens join the words in a compound noun.

For example:

  • I need some cooking-oil. Hyphens versus Dashes (5)
  • I was just a passer-by. Hyphens versus Dashes (6)
  • The ice-axe broke. Hyphens versus Dashes (7)

Read more about hyphens in compound nouns.

(3) Hyphens join some prefixes to words.

For example:

  • It is visible under ultra-violet light. Hyphens versus Dashes (8)
  • Please re-evaluate the situation. Hyphens versus Dashes (9)
  • Would you like me to re-press the shirt? Hyphens versus Dashes (10)

Read more about hyphens with prefixes.

The Function of the Em Dash

The em dash ( — ) is usually an alternative to another punctuation mark. For example:

(1) Em dashes can replace colons.

For example:

  • It depends on one thing — trust. Hyphens versus Dashes (11)
  • It depends on one thing: trust. Hyphens versus Dashes (12)

(2) Em dashes can replace semicolons.

For example:

  • It depends on trust — it always has. Hyphens versus Dashes (13)
  • It depends on trust; it always has. Hyphens versus Dashes (14)

(3) Em dashes can replace three dots used a pause for effect.

For example:

  • Her credit card was stolen in London and used 8 hours later — in Bangkok. Hyphens versus Dashes (15)
  • Her credit card was stolen in London and used 8 hours later ... in Bangkok. Hyphens versus Dashes (16)

Read more about using dashes instead of colons, semicolons, and three dots.

(4) Em dashes can replace brackets and commas that mark a parenthesis.

For example:

  • It depends — as my mother used to say — on trust. Hyphens versus Dashes (17)
  • It depends, as my mother used to say, on trust. Hyphens versus Dashes (18)
  • It depends (as my mother used to say) on trust. Hyphens versus Dashes (19)

Read more about your choices of parenthetical punctuation.

(5) Em dashes can replace brackets to credit a quotation.

For example:

  • "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." — Louis Hector Berlioz Hyphens versus Dashes (20)
  • "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." (Louis Hector Berlioz) Hyphens versus Dashes (21)

The Function of the En Dash

The main function of the en dash ( – ) is to show ranges. For example:

  • 1130–1300 Hyphens versus Dashes (22)
  • Saturday–Monday Hyphens versus Dashes (23)
  • 10–12 people Hyphens versus Dashes (24)

Read more about dashes between dates.
Read more about dashes between numbers.

Hyphens versus Dashes (25)

This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.