South Idaho Press from Burley, Idaho (2024)

Billie Lou Scofield and Hans Forschler United In Impressive Holiday Ceremony Wearing a white lace with white fur, Billie Lou of Hans Forschler in a ed in the chapel of the The bride is the daughter R. Schofield, 518 Malta Mrs. Henry Forschler, bridegroom. bride descended a the arm of her father. The featured an underdress of white fur.

A satin cape a chapel train. Her shoulder-length fell from a crown of fur and rangement of white baby Bridal attendants wore blue and silver brocade trimmed white gloves, blue slippers med with blue carnations, Marsha Henning was maids were Joanne Kim Laura Forschler carried a nations and Rae Ann Schlund white satin pillow. George Forschler served Ushers were The Albert Decaria Cliff Jackson was soloist played the wedding marches. Mrs. Forschler wore gown and Mrs.

Schofield frock for the wedding. Their gardenias. A white Christmas tree for the reception held in Ponderosa Inn. The blue, scheme of the bride was Mrs. Clifford Mullikin George Forschler and Mary of the reception.

Saterstrom was in charge of the gift room. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Lindsey Walker, Mrs. Chall Allred, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs.

George Warrell and Jeif Caldwell. For a trip to Sun Valley the bride changed to a blue wool suit with black patent accessories. The bride is a graduate of Burley High School, attended College of Idaho for two years and is presently enrolled in the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. The bridegroom came to Caldwell in, 1951 from Germany, He was graduated from Nampa High School and Orange Grove College in Santa Ana, Calif. He is employed at Idaho Sheet Metal in Burley.

A pre-nuptial shower was given for the bride in San Francisco by Miss Kim. TOPS Lose Five Pounds Seven TOPS Pamper Club members recorded a weight loss of five and one half pounds and a gain of seven and one haif pounds. Members learned that they will be guests of honor at a party sponsored by the Jerome TOPS club, as the result of a weight- held. losing contest they recently Anyone wishing to attend the next meeting of the group is reminded that they meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at the Idaho Bank and Trust community room in Paul.

Women interested in joining the club are asked to call 436-3018 or 436-4415. Sorority Hosts Party The Alpha Psi Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met at the home of Mrs. Dean Gibson for their annual Christmas gift exchange. Bingo was played and gifts were exchanged as the secret sisters were reveald. The group enjoyed singing Christmas carols later in the evening.

Mrs. Jay Moyle a transfer member to Twin Falls attened as a guest. Refreshments were served by co-hostess Mrs. Dean Gibson and Mrs. Bill Mai.

Sage Sticks For something different to serve holiday guests as an appetizer with beverages, to nibble on with salads or to use instead of crackers with soup try Sage Sticks. 1 cup sifted regular flour, teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, cup cold water, teaspoon crumbled leaf sage, cup grated mild Cheddar cheese. 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a me bowl; stir in sage and cheese; cut in butter or margarine with a pastry blender until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle water over top; mix lightly with a fork just until pastry holds together and leaves side of bowl clean. Roll out to a rectangle, 12x10, on a lightly floured pastry cloth or board.

Divide in half lengthwise, then cut each half crosswise -into strips. Place, 1 inch apart, on ungreased cooky sheets. Bake in hot oven (425 degrees) 10 minutes, or until lightly golden. Remove from cooky sheets: cool on wire racks. Store in a tightly covered container.

Makes four dozen. Presents Special Program Sunday morning services at the Declo LDS church were under the direction of Glen Bywater who announced the program, including the songs "Far Far Away on Judea's Plains" and "Jesus Once of Humble Birth" by the congregation. Special Christmas selections were sung. The Leo and Norman Hurst families sang "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and "Good King Earl, Harry and Melvin Darrington's families sang, "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" and 1 "The First The families of Bruce Turner and Brent Peterson sang In a Manger" and 'Peace On All numbers were directed by Mrs. Don Jacobs and accompanied by Linda Jibson.

A piano and organ duet, Holy Night" was played by Janis Schmidt and Gwen Jacobs. Talks on Christmas Means To Me" were given by Louise Darrington, Susan Lind, Julia Bywater, Mike Thompson, Leora Osterhout and Clayne Zollinger. Robert L. Stevens told the Christmas story relating the birth of Christ. Bishop Joseph Preston gave a short talk.

Prayers were given by Don Barrows and Leon C. Osterhout. Dinner To Honor Minister Mr. and Mrs. C.

Paul Moore will be guests of honor at a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. Wednesday evening at the First Christian Church in Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will be leaving Rupert Jan.

8 for Sweet Home Demonstration Club held will be minister at the Church of Christ. Friends in the community, as well as church members, are invited to the farewell dinner. Cheerful Doers Host Smorgasbord Members of the Cheerful Doers Home Demonstration Club hed a smorgasbord at Hirning's Cafe, Rupert, during the holidays. The door prize was won by Mrs. Howard Mitchell.

Game prizes were won by Mrs. Calvin Merrill, Mrs. Ed Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers, Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Ferlic, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Jack Funk. Others attending were and Mrs.

Rueben Heinze, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hunt, Mr.

and Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Jake Knopp, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerbs, Mr.

Herbert, Mrs. Jack Funk, Mrs. Fred Neiwert and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larson.

This year's officers are Mrs. Clyde Bowers, president, Mrs. Jake Knopp, vice president, Mrs. Ed Herbert, secretary. Other officers will be appointed when the group meets Jan.

18 at the Fowler home. Heyburn Pair Reveal Plans Virginia Lee Denton and Larry R. McCombs, Heyburn, will repeat wedding vows in the Logan LDS temple on Feb. 2 and be honored at a reception in the Heyburn LDS cultural hall on Feb. 4.

The bride-elect is the daughter of Virginia A. Denton, Fullerton, and the late Richard James Denton. She is employed at Roper's and was graduated from Minico High School with the class of 1965. The benedict-elect was graduated. from Minico with the class of 1964, fulfilled an LDS Camorah mission and is employed at Mac's Market in Heyburn.

Malta News Mrs. Dee Rasmussen, Mrs. Wallace Briggs and Mrs. Jay Ward were in charge of the dinner served during the Malta Ward primary officers and teachers annual Christmas party. Mrs.

Jack Wight, Mrs. Bryce Tracy, Mrs. Clair Robinson, Mrs. Ether Parke, Mrs. Ronald Holtman and Mrs.

Bob Parke were in charge of decorations. Mrs. Melba Barrett, Mrs. Jerry Udy and Mrs. Jim Rigby were in charge of entertainment and Mrs.

David Hutchison and Mrs. Joseph Hepworth were in charge of invitations. Terry Booth and Wendy Hutchison played a medley of Christmas songs. A comedy number was presented by husbands of the officers, under direction of Gene Baxter. Bonnie Harper sang a solo.

Mrs. Kay Harper gave a spiritual reading and group singing was led by Mrs. Elmo Elison and Wendy Hutchison. Prayers were offered by Bishop Harvey J. Wight and Reed T.

Allred. "A Meal Ellis in Minute" a BEEF STEW Special RYE Bread A Loaf Fri. Saturday We wish all of you a very Merry Prosperous New Year Quality Bakery Inside Shelby's at Overland Shopping Center Mr. and Mrs. Hans Forschler (Burley Portraits) Ann Take Off The Blinders Look At The Whole Picture ways the husband or the wife, else Ann.

It can be somebody ing who lives under the roof. can Many married couples have a mother or a mother-in-law or a Bortz Host Family Party Christmas was celebrated with a family gathering Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John: Bortz, with all members present except one daughter, Mrs. Otto Meier and family.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Tolman and family, Burley, Mr.

and. Mrs. Carl Richardson and family, Albion, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Bortz, and family and Mr.

and Mrs. Gene Bortz and daughter, Holly and Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Bortz, Declo, and Mr.

and Mrs. Ivan Bortz, Grace. A gift exchange and cooperative dinner highlighted the event. Leg Painting, Now It Begins Have you heard the latest? It's leg painting! The last word in make-up is leg make-up. The question is "Who needs it?" According to the leg experts (and there.

are many), the same women who wear foundation make-up should also wear leg make-up and for precisely the same reasons. They need it to perfect the legs' skin tone in or out of stockings, whether the skirts are up ol' down. Since the hemlines are detinitely, up this year it becomes even more important to have attractive legs. Because it isn't possible to change the legs you already have, the manufacturers of this it exciting possible new for product to are immaking you prove your legs' appearance. Leg makeup was needed long before the current skirt shortage.

Why the time-lag, then? The main reason is because it has taken such research and development to perfect this type of make-up and to make up is also like skin. This new make-up is also waterproof so it won't harm hemlines for stockings, It works on in long strokes (made easy by a spongecake applicator) and washes off only with soap and water. You'll discover it's a great step in make-up. Keep an eye on it! It will be interesting to watch it develop and watch its affect on women. PRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Group Dresses Group Dresses off off COATS off off BLOUSES 5.

VEATERS off cf a Kiddy Ville Little Wome: Downtown Burley Music Department Presents Program and satin gown, trimmed Schofield became the bride candlelight ceremony performPresbyterian church. of Mr. and Mrs. Ted avenue, Burley, and Mr. and Caldwell, are parents of the bow-trimmed pathway on floor-length bridal gown white lace trimmed with framed the dress and formed veil of white lace she carried a cascade arroses.

-length gowns of with white fur. Long and white fur muffs, trimcompleted their ensembles. maid of honor and bridesand Mrs. Dick Schlund. basket filled with blue carcarried the rings on a his brother as bestman.

and Ray Anderson. and Helen Dunsmoor a black and gold chiffon selected a gold Korean silk corsages were of white formed the background the conference room of the white and silver color carried out in room decor. registered the guests and Kawamoto were in charge Dear Ann Landers: was amused by your statement that the man who kissed his wife -bye at the station every morning wasn't necessarily a true blue husband. You may be right, but why doesn't somebody say something about the suburban wife? How. true blue les she? What goes on in my little neighborhood after the husbands leave for work would make Peyton Place look like a Sunday School picnic.

My next door neighbor has been spending four mornings week with an insurance adjuster. (Just how long does it take for person to get her claim adjusted anyway?) The lady across the street fixes lunch every day for the real estate man who sold her the house four months ago. The woman two houses down has a plumber over there at least twice a week. So take the blinders off and look at the total picture. The wives who kiss their husbands good-bye at the station aren't so true blue either.

They could bear watching. MIDDLE MONKEY Dear Monkey: 0. K. then, go ahead and watch I haven't time for such stuff. Who does your housework anyway? Dear Ann Landers: I am writing about the woman who had asthma and hives and wondered what the doctor meant when he said she got them from her husband.

She was reluctant to accept the doctor's diagnosis because she couldn't believe asthma and hives were "contagious. Her letter was way out but your answer was perfect. loved what you said about ulcers. And you were so right. Ulcers are a sign of inter-personal problems but it isn't al- Lutherans Plan Mid- School The Board of Education for Zion Lutheran church, Burley, announced this week that the church will sponsor a mid-term kindergarten to run from Jan.

2 through the normal school year. The afternoon session will be under the instruction of Mrs. Al Bietz, who has been teaching a morning session. Any child who has not had previous. kindergarten training is welcome to enroll.

Children with previous kindergarten experience may transfer into one of the sessions that have been in operation since the first of the school year. Registration will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on Jan. 2. The Heyburn school music department presented their annual Christmas program Thursday morning at the gymnasium for parents and students.

Susan Smith directed the choral presentations and Desmond Welch was director of the band. The boys' chorus from the fifth grade sang "The Wassail Song, Drummer Boy," "Sweetly Sleeping in a Manger, and Be Santa" with Randy Jensen as the soloist. Selections which the sixth grade chorus presented were Come all ye Faithful," "Stille Nacht," "Deck the Hall," "What Chiid is This?" "Angels We Have Heard on High," and "Dear Nightengale Awake." Band selections included "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," Jingle Bells Rapsody, "March of the Little Tin and "The Christmas Suite." Concluding numbers were sung by the junior high school chorus, "The Snow Lay on Ground," "Masters in This Hall," "The Christmas Song," "First Snowfall," "Pat-a-Pam," "Mary's Little Boy and "Do You Hear What I Hear?" Soloists were Max Sheen and Juanee Savage. "ROUND THE a TOWN TE John Ashcraft was honored dinner Wednesday party, evening given by at his a family Attending were Mrs. Dale (Linda) McFarland, Lava Hot Springs, Mr.

and Mrs. Glen (Dona) Kunau, Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Cheryl Gillette and Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Ashcraft, all Burley. -0- Among the many spending the holiday week in Sun Valley are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin, Mr. and Mrs.

Max Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roper, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kunau, Dr.

and Mrs. James Kircher and their families and Dennis Lall, man, Mike Etchingham, Steve Ashcraft and Kathy Ashcraft. Trudy Hall, Jim Carver Trudy Hall, Jim Carver Reveal Plans James Stephen Carver, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.

H. Carver, Carson City, Nev. The bride-elect is a junior at the University of Idaho, majoring in medical technology. The benedict-elect is a junior at of majoring in political science. No wedding date has been set by the couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall, 1233 Grandview, Burley, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Trudy Louise, to Club Hosts Dinner Members of the Worthwhile Club entertained their husbands at a Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hough.

Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lee, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Maricle, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hesterlee, and Mrs. Carl Stark, A Mrs.

Minnie Saylor, Mrs. Mildred Walton and Mrs. Maudie Carter. Mrs. Hough was assisted in serving by her daughter, Clara Hough.

The next regular meeting will be Jan. 31 at the home of Mrs. Maricle. "HOME FURNITURE'S CHAT" One of the most noted of the come and gone. It was a pleasant year's holidays has day at our house as we hope it was at yours.

Santa took time at least, there was evidence of it the to stop in-Opening of gifts on' Christmas morning has next been morning. traditional with our family through the years and this Christmas was no exception. As with you and families, the real pleasure of the day was the visit your of members of the family who are home due have to homes school or to their marital status, wherein they of their own, Son Paul and his wife ment daughters on which were unable to be with us due to employthey depend to be able to. of Utah. Daughter and her husband, Laron continuing on his masters degree at the University Lois Waite, and and her their two babes who live localiy, daughter husband, Glen Scott, who is a student at the University of Utah and who live in Salt Lake City, daughter Mary who is employed in the office at the Amalgamated Sugar Company daughter Beth who is a Junior at the here, U.

and locally, son John of Junior High age were all with us. It was wonderful day nothing pretentious but just a good old fashioned Christmas Day and family 'getto-gether'. effort Now, this family's big assignment is to make time to see that every day, during the intervening every prior to another Christmas, will have engendermember toward family, member but to make it unied in it the real Christmas, not only of family versal to all neighbors and all friends in the broadest possible concept. This we shall attempt in all earnestness. With Christmas Dey behind are forced to realize that the incumbent year will not last for long.

All the incomplete work which needs be done in 1966 will have to be thompleted within they next three four days. After be 1967. suspect you are much like the rest of us in that if we complete all that we should in 1966 we will have some busy days. We who business always have a yearend inventory problem. Whether the inventory groceries, drygoods, motor parts, hardware, cars, farm equipment, appliances, furniture you name it we have this year-end bugaboo, the inventory tax, to face.

It will not be the intention of this column to dwell on the inequalities of the inventory tax for these are quite universally recognized by all. There are voices, far stronger than ours, who have been contending against the principal of the tax and some day, it is hoped, corrections will be made. Until such a day we have to make a real effort to dispose of as much inventory as possible that we might minimize the penalty; Therefore Home Furniture Company will a store-wide clearance which we aim to make the biggest clearance in our history. We have some of our regular quality merchandise which has been taxed once and will be taxed again if it is unsold by the first of the year. This type merchandise must be moved! No store can stay open with any of this type merchandise and in order to move price sacrifices will need be made.

vamount Let us assure you that this is regular quality merchandise and no attempt will be made to 'balloon' original prices that the reductions may appear unrealistic. The original prices will remain on the merchandise for your inspection and, should the merchandise not move during the balance of the week the prices will have to go back up. Space here will not permit enumerating the many excellent buys which are being made available. Suffice it to say there will be sufficient in any one department to prove of interest. We are sure you will understand that our slower moving merchandise will be affected most by, any price reduction but "slower moving merchandise" doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the piece.

Ofttimes, partially due to price, goods remain on the floor. Folk often will prefer it over what they actually, buy but it may be out of their price range. be the case then we have to admit our mistake in buying too expensive merchandise and take steps to move the goods, for every day they remain on the floor they are adding to their expense. If such goods reach an inventory sale they are ofttimes reduced very considerably end provide a wonderful opportunity for customers to make very thrifty buys. Come in and "browse" around and see for yourself what specials we are offering.

Too, let us take this time to express our appreciation to all of you for the privilege you have given us this past year to be your host in our store. The eppreciation is sincere. Have you picked up your 1967 Scenic Idaho calendar? Again this they are beautiful and very, very informative on Idaho history. Get yours while they last. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Sincerely, All at Home Furniture Co. Rupert. Idaho Bert Mrs. old Bi Thurs sia a long Jacks 12, 18 ick al ler. ingtor came in 19: She 1 Idaho move 1919 they then in th she Mr of ti Rebe mont in de Su law, Mrs.

Burl neph Fu duct 3rd ial Ludl Chu be tery afte day stepbrother or a great-aunt with them. These additions be real trouble and often there is no way to get rid of them short of a family rupture. You have done a lot of good by declaring that a husband and wife owe their first allegiance one another, and a third party who makes trouble between them should not be tolerated. I know about these things because have both ulcers and hives and relative living with us. PERIENCED Dear Thanks for your letter, and now that you know the score, don't just sit there something.

Dear Ann Landers: Whenever we are invited to a small dinner party I bake pastry or an elegant dessert. Invariably the hostess says thank you (in haste) and puts my treat out of sight. When I entertain and someone 'a treat I always serve along with my own dessert and I thank the person in the pre. sence of the others. It occurred to me that perhaps am being tactless since guests who did not bring anything might feel uncomfortable.

Please set me straight. EUROPEAN Dear European: It is not sential to bring a home-made goody when you come to a dinner party. Apparently you enjoy ing so, and I would not deny the pleasure by suggesting you But to expect the hostess to serve your dessert is ing too much, Most people don't need ONE dessert, much two. Electronic Room Clerk An electronic room clerk will look after accommodations for visitors to Expo 67, the 1967 World Exhibition in Montreal. A giant computer will keep minuteto-minute track of 300,000 available beds and facilities to fit all budgets from luxury hotels to boarding houses and camping grounds.

HAPPY NEW YEAR A new year is swingin' in, and may it bring an abundance of health, wealth and happiness to and all your family! And may we also add you our grateful thanks for your loyal patronage. Cassia National BANK WITH FACILITIES IN DOWNTOWN BURLEY FULL SERVICE BANKING AND THE OVERLAND SHOPPING CENTER Ra Sati ant Lef Mr. bur Me viv gra Ro gra Cu ent Mr Fo Spi cia Pa to.

South Idaho Press from Burley, Idaho (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.