The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)

ON 9 A V.U A II fTS 1 1 i Wthe i ring a news TfU South 6t EMPLOYMENT i EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT kALKtMKN AND AOCNTB 36 SITUATIONS WANTKO MALI S7 i lii NfftUN Aguau avarf fool. fr i.aiiur ila aaparpulUr J.ftifAI. IT hbli'Ai. ftftft I'urn uUi ami Miapla ftrud nm wuudrr tool Nalla laataanr wa rwlUgu gruauaU ii fir Hruorn Nt lmn deiatumiraltaa Waul I CJUf I ga(a Hftlrit Mia law tr fUu, it I 1 1 ft INQ Mwtca Wmm4 Aihm mllu Mwk ti' IM) mi MmU i 4 fltu. r.m.

rTrTIT, mpymo, ticking. hui 4 BWISg Mf 'fUfK gdT iaw NwtiM rail Wfciu Inwfw, MkS IM Im WWI TYimUi 4 kt Ol 131 Ats. I'fcub ttMidiai. Vouug ma a. fttl )Md married.

I year iaaMllar Wilt aftacra i laad ll'tlra ha handled ur fi.NUft I veal ealale eaiaa and loan aatiafa lurily, i siMwIalUrd lu real eelale law end eolU-llwae, employed by iafgt ill lU kind In Auuth. want cnaamtino WHft alablibel law firm or (urporaiiom If Van aead a credit manager or -uilcioa manager, legal rsprl In liar land depart meat. I can 6IJ lb place, can aa III writer, and office bookkeeping mbih; de rr change as promo! lan lu nreaeat place laad la work not aired, InwI of Iff rncce Addrre 613. cafe Nett aukiNCkk opeoNTUNrrit. HShtll il MOUKRN IMJt ITMebl.

IN VKttV ItMT M.i At tint IM iUTT I IT. UWMU rOMCKil to MS TIMM ON ACCOUNT 09 IU, UXAI.TH. WiU, KACttirica rou UVUl (AU. OK bCB SK 6ALE6MEN AND AQENTt auto iirrrftN aulnlaf will fttt Naliowa AM mil. Make wstra mumr Aniaol 1 tlaana lull ing, ahoaa.

glavaa liin tar. gum, aaidtaaatda. IJmaaaT laiara faftrk (Tara moat I hrmUal. Malta 4hVMio fifift Avc Nw York. i iiA.Nftltl and rt4iuaag.

aala ftfaka 40 lift. Hu atari uu. fwrauliiag rrrf Mh toit cater wft tMJft lHtiduu, I Pilkif NNMsN ff A It Jftf Ifoiftar'a akin made fair Ilka duuah lar'c A ittnllf l' preparation fur itcauiif log uiapIcAloU. warraaieil to a r'i ft Ire leu pimptaa, IUr epoia and to turret I eallaw. dark, aan Itarued akin Uake roogli dark akin amoolli t'Utaf and fair 1 he Krliehic Nkia Hire It ft per Imlile prepaid Aaeule wealed National klaaiifa lar iagVowpa ii norkr a liaaia ft a riiaioa, I Idtago TuNh Agent, hullle l.lfe Towle free Wuu drrful litr li.

Inr fiig repealer Hlg prof tie l. lie pt 47 Nt l.utiik ko LUllllliM.Ah Aaente ladle' fern utoiwi WMierpruuf umbrella, miser tipa; fan. handle mil ft-i IU, tommiadon fl; ad tn ed hawpie I1, tl L' ft. J.r I 'mitral la fa to r( l.oolevllle. Kft I YaI.VM Al If YOU are nut maklug flOU a week I will aee that You do aeillng new Mttio al p.

free aaiapie Ifutflna. Ifotwaa, Nl ag a I WAIT llha Ageal we paid owe a I ode be her wait ageut I rrtO in dugle month Paid fsslu lu another fur JS houra' tare lime We ha tee few tftub opening (hi' lerrl lor Pull lime or prl time Nell faiuuu Nlurbakrr Jl Jewel watfhe diret fruUt eating of ftu per -ai a (ItiAlld Naleatiten fl.Mi ianlft and esn-naa pamHila I aie.t thin atmtel deetgaa Na aelllitg tdgarhkirrlri-t not aereeaeejr. lion lit adverliaed luveafmewt n4d aimle KMPisUYMUfl HELP WANTED mai If Yaa ftfta ft ad ft raara af mot as ria.a ual I log la iadwdriat Irada and ar familiar Min lailao aad agiar and art r4 lo utup iriio a unaltion whrrr roar a ruing will (a bctwiwu $4 im) ami flu, UH) pr er, writ aa Oka 4voiM gad awMplala lufapgHgr ilan llrpliua rwaflNaallai NOMTH AMKUlt'Aft flUMft I HolM i l'N C50. (IsBVfttsA.ND, onto MAlKHllAN Wa ftava aa apaatag far gatul aalaa ntaa ta gall raal aalala. If pa arc lilF wa dua aaad paw Moat ftava a good autoatoldla aad know ftaw la ftad a plat wrftaa II la llatad wtift fou Tfttf la a good oft for a aiaw i ha i la wllUag to work.

lAIITNtt SASSNiNO ill STll. ant im do )nr Mlfaiib of ail ft UmI All ofb iMMkin With I i all lirMbi A B'Kt Airk HASHING 'ii" i tlklk( Ikd PwMlWBI- mm Can Mw4lik 9T 4 rrwao 4 i a a sad ft la a i-. ft paprria ioi.r Hkhiiur Humiu a limit up tat Hit WANTta-FfcM Alt if ft.D A WOMAN oft i 11 EH4fvf tN fm iatrtai initial aaitiM )- Mi mi row liar a of ft IM of fara Maoawai oinriaNMy far Ml Ml .) 43, a lift ftlftft alaMt ulaiUM. efllifl) uaejN'iNft No IttMiNHrkI lot Oaa par NkMiraairrN im uw al aft ftaaiai.iij i aru ft i par -r Will auti irftbrr fur liaari worft i lit'iimmttn, im ft Mai I a I aft ft I'ftfoAfa Mill I ft girl la worft far iriai faiuil and Nfrrtam Wr(a lira j. I pft laalja At oalTlitN Soft olftN Hotel llaaa lad.

A I aeiar). Aiiai.l Halal tMUMlrrp-r A I salary. Ul laauarapftrr detail 1 work. I MM I krw pitrrftrM ftttj i-m laitlrr I wo flrlk wrl Ikiiiiln ftIO lift week Itftp. while haw4 truarr lift No ft Ml warft.

aftp- Wftlla wailrra ft 0 wrrft, fioftlt week, rf liafrl. ftrt la waeft Jwaher air. MAGIC I (TV ftMl'MflMftST Itf*ckAl AH S. Mil NT 011. AN.

PI iHt. girl IN to will taiiAtlllr IH. Kiiarlrkia itoi rjuir4 1 Aildrr Wk 919, IIP Nr MA VTftll akartaat-rl jrra trotter for I'nIhi ftaarlt aMMa ami Irmaf iVrfarflao Unwin lift Sflft if, I.AIHfta 1 ran. Uaull i-allara ar ami niftltf rlgaaaa, raru wtu laaraiag )i(ioa waif' I wg Nailfti oflogr skiti. Hi HELP WANTED MALI BS NAl BNMLN Ml Mar raal af fU ftwalaaaa Mar a4 twiiw im war for at or aualftar.

If low nk II htgl aaa ifartiNag aafilrc iftal'a I twiftl af war proa uala Hti oar liar ArfaM tlafil lUg foots ut ih I pal IMTf rttl litWWlMlxli f. ittMlr.l Mtorglr gaaraulr4 aa rfoNiia Mrlla, alaia I aaprriaatr. praggaf atplutuui aw4 irrliur a farataft a rafrfaaraa tt.iUh I ft.Ni II. o. 4100 I'Ll ll A It, a I lilt IN.

aAi fUMftS Outwl lot tar it waaklft, ftiaw i iiillktf Mur, otf) mar haul a lropr l.ilo i gaaraalra far riurua-k agaiuai luiuaioiuM 4ua faraaii A I t-tlar ftapitia. la I UAl ftU lifts Twa Miaa aprt al Work Hill, fad growing ruiapu loud Mo ftlgft a 1mmi tdataou ami I- willing la atari wrrft anl work tarl far kaattatriii Apl 51T Afa Irral4 MMg MAl fallftN or a gt-tiie for tftalnfr tanla. la a. iMilra anl aaniiarr aic talilaa. Hig profit propadiiwM fr riatil arn tlaau I ai Nahplr i 4M t'aaal Uo4.

1 lae i faitrEEi IM. I NA4KNMAN kuir.l to worft witft Mira otanager tlulriMilkg a wall ftowa Imutr rivfiro al uppllaufr rifatntli unauritutilr for llo or aatf a than lo dalolaU oir- aalf wills a larga national orgauiiattuft wliaraj nroiooiioa will fallow, far (NirMt aUra aaa Ilr Uarnall. ftift floor LftffMM 4aa pit a i Is In I luaaiftll arlllag our gum and itraniii ota rill Wr Mtmhkliil No itrruauo Hlg ioma'aian. Ivariaaa I'rutltirla I'o I Kctiiimr llldg Kanawa nr. lifts I hai.knman THUerBUb btMTKM MKUVil Hr ml Par If add iaintr.1 rhtr.i..

fof uppl eterMhlug Wflia lodar informalion. Nallunai 1lgar Id High Point. linker Watrft oaipaaf, llepl A 4U0. Mouth JTi t. had lad.

Cl.KANI.NO liKVIPh Agent, our new honae- WATlTIKM Earn fff profit riling fpi 3034 IBT AVB MAIM AAAI I Nil 1AlNT Mall apf wIlMa tiiMk. ftilut tfo Papa Iftlft iiu Aa Mala Mai Nava 1pMlf HaM Ual Na Mafft." fjTI UN 4a jNHtr pilktlki awl baa! a of ft awl 4. baa Ub Mill IM M- Ml. LIUV ill lull te.1 4m Tt. Mr.lOu.

Uni tU patuiik, 'xntalt AM.fcii- is It SC riitK im mUUllil MKUln Mlliua In US asm Audsrsuk fww Wsss MM Mat I MKAT CDTflll Bt perleh ad desire paai tlou al trace llrtalm 44th I i Uuard, alght watchmau or filling rtailuu work Het'oim tola Hunt A- 4- 'pold. tieneral iltver, I Ilf. Mvl KmVIAsN lla car, waul aalca work lo retail wholesale trade la rlly. Katary or naaitaahio Adde II l.i -are HA! il AN Poaiilup lu or near city, aalary nr aalary and tomialaaloa, mu( Im gei proposition Address 4 All, rare New Nai KM clerical posilluu wanted fty young man. 34.

one year ollege. 9 year hoalneaa eaerlem-a la aalea and atr work: willing, cons lr allow. ami rellaW Addr I fc car New a. I All a young man, married hat a gttod Jnh and earning a fair aalarr, inn a my work reju Ire cunataat irarellag with til Its pro te of adtatu -mrtil I with lo make hang. Have had eeteral prara ekterlea a traveling aalaamai mimir krn t.

nog i aid rg and general of fir man. Addresa HNH. tare Newt WANTKIl Het Of hoitbi In keep at ftwVHe rf nluga hft atperleare! (Mtokkeeper ft SI car New. ol man ir i lotiman. quick and accural.

6 year ap Hr nee need Work. Addrras rtf cu kaiiut oTii fllft I NT If NT, A INN KNRI.KY hold cleaning deh waeftee and drv win dows, aweepa, Irene wall, a rgh. mona. Coat tea than hruoM. User half NT if II.

Wtiia Harper Hnub Work, WU 3rd I 1 It- I I (CAMilKN Wanted, a aaleaman with car bft large cend manufacturer lo cell fall line I of popular prbrd lualllY bulk amiir la Central Alabama territory klual hate nr-uualutaare In Hit territory with xfiwav, gn.eral ittfi and varteU etore rref'r erne will Im flireu man with eamlft. tl I cull ami cracker. vketoaito groerrv perience. This imaitlun offer giaul re I iniinerartoa to the malt who will gl I faithful roprearnialloii five and ini' half dafte each Week ive detailed inforiun bail regarding ftouraelf lu ftral letter WaflT. cafe MTdiTlhrocfrolftoigNiuner- aaln price Fine blriinga glngh.i is.

I Ilona lift priced guaranteed nw atrl wal be on eaef lerme. Oa agent ntad 1.11 week. Another part time tn mom maereaaarft. Ki iirniabed free. coltcctton.

Thl leriNVorr uwn Writ fully imlay. Midontlnenlal Watch lion to 7(13 Kmi I l.l. pH. iliiS BY and fel aalaa owner buy gold initial for hi auto. You charge M) make It 96 Tea order dally eft.

Write for parllculare and free aampia. American Monogram Impt. Kaet orange. N. J.

II Miii iii mm ihia ftoaf. write me now. Mirong line for retail aioree Nallonally adverlleml Katabialel concern Ileal era eon now starting ad am t' lo producer Mgr, 3Ulo Ku. lid 1 faaflrii ll MS. 1 1 Ul Ul.

(wlsls -f rr (HU 71 sr sills Ip, I 1 i-r fall s4 tout si llrllrl allpaper 41 HELP WANfE MALE TI1KMK III A 00019 POMTloN run rvKMY man WHO IN ACTtfAI.LT MKB Vn AHOf ol Ii PATENT ATTCHNkYI aad trade otarka Ukbingioti I i. 4 Trvai llldg 6 tilt HALE, lease aisl IxrxMxr of (MMipiM-il targs home flae ia and fruit trse lu g. u-rd fa alfad; large plant nearby. Unt terms, 47u( 7lh A (A onda wsl)xti 1737 14 MILLINERY EDRINflMI In one of tHa beat locations la Itlruduf ham dlatrtd tlwner selling on account nt wife', health Thl ta well established Will make mooe nt take 93 In ha lulls business Will trade fur house and lot or lata model a GROCERY AND MARKE1 A I cation Hale from J.imai to $:. (ter month Mo fur pries ami terms.

iJAftK located In tfta heart of iy Helling on arcounl of phtabal in ability to take car of piece, l'rte and term quoted on reiuea. BOARDING Hoi 'HK bMfd mi NMlIft Highland About 16 regular lioarders Owner (rating rlt; Would Ilk to sell at oore. Fries FILLING rr ATI Oft! One of the lt oruer In tlms Ily. Hale about $2. fkiO to per month Just the lud of iiatinu that make uxotyey Ibfll tn'sa seeing (big.

HOI'THEBN II 4 BCHfNKHH KX .1 AM. TRI'HT MAIN 7 Boom tdibgalaw, 1.1.0 af round lots, price 94,730, ftuugalowa from ap. TO HALKNMAN Inuauftl opiMirtuallft I ar offered b) e.iabti hed firm ehare In Ibe profit reultlng from pr eeol aHlv ll and i hr greateul iRrmo Hi atlea In the Idktof) of the btielneaa ea tlorced ftft over JUO loal user; one aale a Week Dels )0U food In cnui 3 or more sale are tiring made weeklft men who are no heller ualeainen than 9 but wm are willing lo pnl In jot a little hit more than urdlnar effort, to a few aurb niru thU ad a'Idreuerd. 4 all til KbNoIlV KbM.tb Noll sum arsssso flea, lire, alia and arta front our lfti age llittatratrd ratal la dealern It. Il'n an ham territorj Mtapi rterr day aellera kfaia or aide line romnilaahm AiMmw i II Andrew general manager.

Iloout (To Slat A kritMi (T(ft it" hMKh ff.TKIl WANTBU HV OI.H KMT A I.IMIIKM WIIOI KMAl.f. HOfHK; ONB WHO CAN fl IIMHfl II BUT Of HKKKH KNi KM AND IMIND. Ii aOfl, CAttB NBWI. Hew meihd of aecurlag the kind of poaitlan which will glre ru Ibe da aired opporiaail. diiuliiei.

lingerie t'loih. leu gpread cloth. iVrlic f-r free aamploe mho I f.r o.iMif' urcr apociallalnf In pHcea. Monaghan Mill Ntore, (ireenrltU, hraude tMfc paicftl ami ragfl Y.i rf ruNIfKTIl Hell order Ituoaes amt dlatrlba iai. i r.

I 11 fora, we pa Krenrh made beauty matua. i kvth arge profltt. letter and face miw dor. erfumea. toilet joepara ftrrr sample Metallic Lei tloaa with your lale (heiulat, Im) Wa J0 a dark.

bcf. A'r 11 for olore.l DIKBtT AC TOBY Agent, this rou nlft. 100 half PMfit. No money rmmlrwd Km No selling. hut dlatrlbotc molea ad aample aa writ Key MempMa.

Tenn. inr route. eeillng 4ual tllairlhui ami collet Rkpenenre unne, riBun Htmubl UN PISIIMO.N.NKIs NKHVK COUP 614 1NT IUNK FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIBX. AlTM ftor aata.

Iran of large apt end furalMuga within block bualaeas Now netting iron -I aioa worth gmel money. IV 7 JlIU rash or XI Hit h. baft a mooih ly Aptly I 7ivi Hlru.iMgham 1 i long laa new budding with rapacity ban 41 tdU month, good In' om hmw with future buelhea uulttulted, will sell leaa buatueaa and equipment for 910 MI raab Rualnea will make profit over net month. Addra r.U, Rot 34KM Miami, K. I not aalary IfO weekly mnf! New 1 WoKHnw tkgjtf yea" hft lit rw $30 I ig dm 9Hi weekly 1 Kell Mar Ho women fnJ ttn 4Valla.

Ilia ll, for full dsialls MAI. KM UA.NAUKH MAIN 3.1116. i ell ami tUllf) ft-Hig rarnlnge old eataklUbed I w.1, care Na Ilia earning, iibi eianiiueii MIfl. rlrs NsM A lliMihKKKPKIi Voting man with automubile aterietee preferred Malarft I90. fill Jai I Hank llldg a HU I lNtJ Cl Klf Kvperlmt rd billing hrft NALBNMA.N llt.M.t 'ie jg Vlu' wanted for I manaaer if a 1 1 rarft totri plait aata pgrta, pt lector, bath flxturea.

allrar mirror, re flnlali lo-da, t-handelier fir new method fill Ualli; tapltal or etperlem-u r. I mi 1 1 a fumtaftad: write Imla; I Co 1 Qbl. I locator. Ill.i tiuttiurtal 0 I Obi, Ksraluf, IU. aftle to Rl lo lnrtlfi--l anA Isfls ells A lr'il Mallonal Balsa Illinois.

rBKK rur.K rKBB R.ltiro this ad. not frs n.pls of rs roroanut oil soap, lollsl boobs. Mats 1111.37 quilt. Bssl asllsrs. Amsiisan I'hsmlral Mf.

I Msm pi, la, T.on llsDt. 8. Hipl children' ffk. Hreateat known i olylo appeal. Hlggret money maker, i I2T ClaeibUbll, NciinMcv 1 1 I rsoiita i ion i Help other ik In uf "can uae a man h-twn tl.e an nt Si and rrrf Ud, woouderful Oak CAH Agepta Ifnai moutbift eaay aeillng Magic SJ hid elimrlen In ahanluledft guaraat-4 CJ $1 miuala XI gallon oil.

men wlm 11 nrl. brwl WfftiNdad. Oak Tree Uft I'roreo merit Yoof naint on can, per aeillng ftor fie rtgftll ormtory. It KST Hi rialr, Cleveland, rent profit Wrlla quick. I A.

Lefahrre iluctr, thl ronnebMh.i, nman tmtmt9. lla 4 Alexandria. Out. Canada Hmall payment, terms Ilk rent A Is otierate Iteiulualoti lulling Mhitie. Applft ftefttre in today lo tluaineae Prv-Ict K.

211 III). I Mi I KKK Moat he ar curate and gi- Iterlmretl wholraale work. 314 lat NatT tank llldg. iltAHliKH Wanled. ftrt-laa.

ex per laiired ladle' wrk. Would rent booth cheap to gd mao. I'bune Cnalejr ISiRi Mr. odea. IlAltflKKN Want ml, At 4.

a week I at Itarlwrr t'otlegr, ifith ht Tuition, Oppoalte L. A B. Nia IMML ear line, with 1 20 .,,.4 in emergeney hrun-i htg cash, balance lik Wblemaa Ural Esta. Tarrant tty. I'Uuao lures complete, and wall furnished Call at 2423 Brown Itlvd or jdwme Ruble 1GKKI( sale at .1 jieople well hMatet.

eel businea. reason for aeillng olng Into another r-uslnes mm. are 11 AKKMiiii Hoi Far aalo, mm mt' tS I beat In Birmingham, other bualnea, reason fur selling He- this for bargain. 4. A.

Arwoorl. 110 N. 25th Ht. a GIAll NTEEH profit lu a apare time mall I u-n fqrni.h rvarlhlnq fur 0BST--Writ CartU-tilars fre. li Hetter Mad" ahlrta for larga manu order hualneas.

I your successful atari loon Bette. lot. (ue hi ok 910 per luonlh 1 lull. each rent. Her 106 Jarkaon Ht Wood lawn 560 REPAIRING 2b fWIEIfC Wf.

rrpatmd. re finished and upbol gtH uthern Kur tiur Uepair Nftop X7 nd Ae Mala a I. TAILOWINO AND MMaiWa SuttllKOBAM' bssl briss, llol 1 worslsd suits, a psi is. (I a M. trstll Mtcrs be.

Wsr Ibll 1st A.s EMPLOY MEN! M1LP WANT1P TKMALg It Zenit iv i 1 ll tin. bums. Wurktus' uutflt No rip.rlMr. funnlii.liiini to lirpt iw tv Madison Ht I Zl i tc vatoEWl at iiaut. Bs tn I looo.

I spar. addrrsslns. frrs so pits. Writs' Mur. HI.

Hot Ml. IlMM City. Mo. inMBUl'xil L'JtBDH wssklr. ptrs tin. ins rtrds St boms, no l'srt 2r stsiup Madison ItsMb-s 123 Madison. Itspt. 1T12, Ctrl- i llga, 111. gat Tv tuliurs a.

tlass tttrts Monds. Karo whlls Isarulb, Mmtlh 'ol ls. 2MV 2Utb Bt l'boos Main 4H1 RtAITT HB Taufbt. sntlro r-wirs. 10.

Kirs Polnla Hsautjr Shop tu atairai. 103 lllb H. Main MM I Wanted. Must be firat rlaa HM1 N. Jbt It Kiuplre Harmr Kiop ward Hnrei, Owe.n Building.

Detroit fn I GARMBNTR Kalrsmen Manufacturer of new i work garmenta distrlet repre aentatlve to rati ou garage, filling earulnga will average approxl- I mately $460 month, expert arneeea-un Write In detail I M'T care News GEM Amaxh-g NO-day offer! To convince live salesmen the Mexican lllu ftlash gem l(inr an teed 20 years really matches the finest genuine dlnmoml In cut. brilliancy uud datsllng rainbow fire, we'll mall 0. D. CAN jou ierf'-ct one karat aem. retail 9d for only i $1 with catalog Troof of our claims, and free $6 Jewel case.

Agency proposition. Helling like wildfire' Enormous prfls! New mnlV.Bd 1 Otoclanall. sal earn Have mftined the most fob aeekera nee I not apply Hf high claaa lc propMltfn and will take a man alove the average Reply in own handwriting AMr A -ii 1 YI.KMMKN Young men preferred Nprclat training given. Call ft M'Matem. Bir vw'ngliam Eletdrlc Company.

NAI.KK.Y1AN ftlrat-rlae aaleaman for our fa moua K1 Culm cigar to cover entire afate 1 of Alabama ou I'ottimlaalou Apply with reference ami experience. Phil I). Mayer 1 Id. I A I CM I Ung alley aim a aelf selling vendor. Henaa tlon at Chicago eon entlon.

ftlrt purr base return mr rbanta 3U0 pr ent. New deal Write quick. KxduNlve territory. One aale dally earn! weekly Jloney Hew, 1.1-- Main Street, Kanaaa City. Mo, ripreaent larg and reliable china miBufgc si AM Ml 9 W41 1 CAFE Old satahllahed rafe.

doing profitable 'business In Tarrant City; good lease Owner must leave city ami will sacrifice ue UN account death of Wife, will sell Interest ti tu rooming houses i parties 416 16th hi 95.40l egaft. a flr fcnw ledge of hualoe a full dealra to get into a prosperous ness I all that I necessary to two fine prupoaitlon that will lr rlwst Inre. ligation The real estate alone is wortft the price asked Tba Imaineaa will earn to $54 hi month Tbot II Yauglin. Mato 1348. Vaughn Realty tv.

4K wra Xruat. CAFE Owa af the rttya boat located Cn Tgasaagaar alnai 2.i inuaih. Iri. INVESTM'NTS. STCKS, BONOS 3S Wilf make t.

at once COlsLKt rollN Wanted two nperienred collector f'r monthly arcounta In re Idea- Hal aectlon of city. mu( )e able tn pna urety ouipany bond, (literal rompenaalion right men. Apply 931 Lincoln Life n. Ka Hldg. 3 to p.m.

'aturJae and Kunday In I WANTED CREDIT AND COLLECTION Manager Modern mena and hoya' clothing tore. located In Hiith, requires the service of competent credit man. one who 1 good correspondent, of pleasing per aonallfy and live Good credit bureau to depend upon, and firm member to acquaint and coach credit man on detail until uf fldrutly posted with Imatneaa and local condition to assume full response blllty. Hare opportunity for capable man. An assistant or understudy.

Good aalary vs I (Ii belter prosjiecta State nge, whether married or single, experience and reference, and salary expected Also send photo. Correspondence con fldentlai. Address BRYAN A BRYAN ADVERTISING RHREVEIORT. LA. fai-tiir-r till'' Nu eu.

iM.rl.n-'- r10lrb Maaf -r Iwnn. Madlaab Mill. MO Hrwadoar. York. g-zzsviri VMS' ssin adwrilalna inati-r off-r Sorb il if Write bt IToUucl.

4M1 0, I raanlxe a ale force? Ara you an Do you want to become on 7 real piortunity for )ou Your tim. with our plan, will If Mji money vou er III CANY AHSBBH Ex '-ris ii- -d houae lo fto I canvaaera wanted at one for work In Alabama Salary and cotumlaalon pro po -tlon will la offered men aelected. A newer to txx L-MOil. rare Hlrmlngham Newt, tat BKAITY 0IS BATOR Wanted firat cUa I MRrtwct and on or mora refer- I beauty gftop operator Muat lle eucea. lira marcel and permanent waves (ol CtfLoHEli UI.Al'KHMITIf YY'anted.

gel salary and 'otnmiaaiun. Call YY'eat Knd stout, fat. all round worker; wage So cents 167. I bar Apply lat liewaemer. Ala.

I1KK 1 hlr 1 CoMHINAIToN millwright and office of retail department atom. Mol veneer mill, muat bare tcKila; atrady work turer; muat le aide to earn to ter year; territory ik valuatd fr norlce I Th Llaiogee ihlnii Krlirlng. iTal'ENMEN ftor line high graic rommr 1 rial refrigerator and store flxturea. prefer one familiar with grocery and meat trad State age. experience, aalary I commissions expected.

Write The C. (h-htnldt I Addreaa Veoeer Mill, F. U. Box 1066, Ham-1 4 mood. La.

giving reference and lar hnv anted settled man (erfml In firat letter. mlnfham tailoring fre to solicit liim i li aotad. Hibat be sipsrlsnrsd and basis. sl references. Ktesdr work.

I Tor rlabt -mm. Hints sae and earleu-e. New able to ha mile money and uiervlae other. Kintsc preferred. Age 26 to $8.

No char: to reglrr Hill roaltlon Exchange, 162? Age-Urld Bldg. Mall iKt ard now Mexican (Jem Importing Co Ibix .344 Mealllu I'ark. New Mexico liOKlKIlY Agent Do you want 987.50 every week In advance? Then write at once. New selling plan Im even filing beat A. Sea holm made X'jii a George Nundhdiu.

i 147 In ft bra ft' Jarrett $15.26 in 5 i hr. Just take orders for new at vie guaran- I teed hHilery we deliver and collect. Your i pav laeglna at once, monthly cash bonus I and free auto. We furnish samplet. No I capital or needet.

Mar-O-Chee I Co. A3-622. Cincinnati. 0. IJOT iMHi-lN IH'N Cooked together by new Jroceas Lav sold 10.162 three days, profit I 800.

Details fre. Tallwt Mfg. lta Bt. Louis. Mo.

i RoLD-KLOTH Ye, sir. Made in Arkansas. 1 MEN-975 to T.V weekly for you Tlmclr old loth, the national ice saver. New I product sella like wildfire. Million will a leutlflc fabric.

Absolutely reduce Ice i buy. Repeat coute fat. new salea ulao bill half Adjustable lxe. Outstanding creates steady Income, an fix yoo for life, success. Terrific demand.

Sensational sell- Free folder tells bow. Get this now. Tir-Great Hummer proposition Attractive. taroff MX. Lincoln Ave Cbtcigo Mb nwnw.

Writ. Spw-lali, I-rodiK-l. aOBNTH to tl profit mV. 4 Arcade. Git tie Rock.

Ark. No delivering, license nor stock m-cesaary SK DR KSSLH Agent, make 910 dally Bonanza Free part! ci 1. aeillng house drcuae and frock. Write for free samples and catalog Economy Sale manufacturer. Dept 57 Boston.

Mas M. Ness Hi Dept FIlKL sample exclusive aale eoatract tatentel Make big profit. Fuat seller Write uulcklv. Iept. 168.

Americjn Mfg. 1916 Milwaukee Avenue. Chi cago. in non agent wanted To enter the big gold premtum con test June 1. biggest line for colored trade tn America Big acller.

100 per cent profit Premium SAiiO i gold coin and 1 000 piece of lautlful uae ful Jewelry Addreaa quh'k Ty.n 4 Company, l'erfuniera. Box Paris. Tenn. Angel, Cal. A BUHINEhH YOUR oWjf Making Sparkling Glass Name and Number Plates FLOOR MAN Man with retail experience, olenaant personality and approach.

Real opportunity for man with ambition. Apply to Mr Rjer. Parisian Co. 7. -842 are anted iii'ii prefer GLaWassKIO Youtig women cantaeera pre ferably with teaching experience, al! or part time; aalary.

Call 1 manager. Malx mNTHlpT UANAORU RDM. most have eood I.IUrty neaolux adl tailored, full 325 N. Ht. With for in- ren fstate sales experience and owner of cars.

We have the fastest selling prop I lion In Birmingham (inly bottlers 4Fd I VlSVi I "ANTED Man. apply. Lincoln Heights Healty some experience tn auto penlng shop Call 82 ft good, opening a hog: partnership. take good auto as rsh osy merit. Ilslance 950 per month.

Thoms lReItv Co. Woodlawn 699. 'I? 1 m' ness In heart of city no rent to pay Clear- I Ing 9130 Monthly. IftOQ for quick sale. JerreR, Main HI 65 J.

DIM RIB( roil Wanted p. product to garages filling stations, used car dept etc. Will demonstrate merits of article. Handsome profits. Address, ft 513, care News.

FILLING STATION AND GROCERY For sale, omblnstion filling station and groc- try store near Walker Chapel, mil from end Lew Isbtirg Pike. Price $1,500 9600 cash, toilsncs like rent M. Roinlne at filling station or W. K. Rhino at llHiG 3rd N.

FORD i i dealers 9m MIL good for $60 on any model ford, will sacrifice for $33 GROCERY KTORE -Gov! etock and fixtures a bsrgata 91,009 Ing account lllneas. Rent for store and 6 ruu house. 935 month. RK8TAURAN7 mid dairy. Located Is one of tho close-in suburbs.

Large plants all around Pretty up-to-date place. Making mousy. 91. "00 will take thi BARBER HHOP A good on oo N. 2bth 9t at a price you can't helo but buy.

Good terms A sura moneymaker Bcttgr hurry If you want It. Call Gangiiur; A Maddox, Main 1751 Willi Realty 224 Age-Herald Bldg. GROCERY "AND CREAMERY A nn amount of cash will buy a good bnsln-s painting: something would conaidcr 10 KIlARRK Tyler Grocery Co. mm mo a sto.ft MONEY TO LOAN 43 FIRKT MORTGAGER LOANS! LOAM! LOAM: ft Isa ncs tour home, apart meat or bast pess building with Metropolitan Life laaurams s. funds.

6S I ft rest 6 per tent 41 per real 16 year Lome loses Repay meat pn I leg after 3 years. I ns ou Improved Alabama farm Mortgage paper purrhsaed. 4BMIBUN COMPANY 221 21 9T RT. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.

BLACK FINANCE CUMPAN Loans on a-d reed not, household goods or value. 204 Clark Bidg corner 4th Ave and 20th Main 3661. 91KHT MOBTGAGR $690 tip on property Jefferson (ounty, mortgages augbl. 6. I Thompson.

MM Title Gtaranteo Bldg. 61R8T MORTGAGE LOAN -Terms to tUL mortgrge boHRl.t. Leonard More ago 207 Title 3rd Ave. 21st at. MORTGAGEE LOA NH- On improved real eests, buy wok Kr inskv construction Josao: joau cn oortiafe note collateral; ood mortgage loan on monthly payments.

ard Hterae-Dryer Mortgage Browa-Umrs Bldg. 8A LEHMAN With car. to sell the most aim- 20th Bt pie, most durable, most speedy, most to- i WOt'LD position paying 96 to $10 a day curate and by 1100 and up. most reason- interest If so call Mr. Kay at 414 able In price valve refarer on the market, 20th Ht.

i all at ft a.m.. Monday. Hell to garages, exclusive territory with rr, ii.t i WANTED, two or three men to cut grass ami contract to right party. Home Alabama am! right party, Muat have tool. cut.

opulnr prlcrd ahlrt. ommtaalon. Value (inheritable. Coiketklt to capable man. Merit Rhlrt lept.

J. 640 Broadway, IMVlsio.N MANAbKIt Operate aaleamch -l- Ing Wear CrmC' guarantee! Wearproof' 1 auitR ami trouser: Weanroof apeclul trouaers; abaolutely new, whirlwind Hummer aellera. Wearproof" Indestructible men clot lye XlJ.rt ult retail; union I made. gulch deliveries. Protected territory Highest commission.

Three fnet eat teller known. A big proHUlon. Wearprwf Clothing 2323 Wolfram Chicago. DINTRIBCTOR a week, man or woman OtK)K anted, experienced. Cty referenceB wanted to distribute nationally known fqod reqolred.

Call Main 6668. product to steady user In your locality; COOK Wanted, experienced cook White or no experleace nece aary. Wrlta at colored. Reference required. Apply 1110! atknao, 60-0- low Ht Mem Mississippi terrlton open.

Address I'. O. DIM address or phone number for Interview. weeds, 92 per acre. own Mile from end Lewiaburg PJke.

Apply Horn Hturkle, Guarantee Hhoe 1905 3rd Ave. checkerlioard signs, big tmok and aample free. K. Palmer. 100 yioMcr, Ohio.

SENSATIONAL salsa opportunity No competition. A line vou'll be proud to sell. Agents can make $25 dally. Edwin Earle. Hntlabury, N.

C. AGKNTft We offer you 948 a week, furnish auto and expenses, to Introduce our oap and wahtn powder. Bus -Beach Company. Box 32, Chippewa Falls. Wla.

BIG MONEY, 91.40 profit every $1.50 sale, monogramlng auto. Lifetime opportunity. Free samples, ll 2533 Monogram Wot- Chester. Mata. NE EHS IT Something new sells $7.50.

Costs you 91 Big repeater. Write for sample. Merchant Ass Pontiac Chl sro. SALESMEN THREE GOOD WANTED TO SELL PORTRAITS IN COUNTRY POSITIONS NOW OPEN Track man. day.

HALESMEN dipping clprk. furnish local references Young man soda dispenser, good salary. HIGH CLANS i IHilmr salesman, must be A-l inan. Young rnan work laundry (weigher). FOR FALI.

Plant electrician-trouble shooter. Combination acetyleoe -electric welder. DELIVERY. AUTOMOBILB FURNISHED i Two all round machinists. 7.V hour.

i Three first-class auto mechanics. TO PRODUCERS. GOOD WORKER CAN Experienced band-table sawyer. white boys, wxrk round florist. MAKE $100 I Elt WLLK.

LIBERAL AD Two strong white boys, learn trade. VANCE ON COMMISSIONS. TOR AF WWte-rtterf coal mln.r,. Colored H0; phi. Tenn.

FA KM Kit Truck farmer wanted. Apply to Mr. Perkins at filling station, end of East Lake ar line on 1st from 1 till 3 p.m. Wanted. Unracumbersd mlddfT- INSIDE HAI.EHMAN -Countei aged lady for elderly lady Good t.otne.

for uositlonlnlocal orgnnizwtlou. Prefer MANUFACTURER wants agents, canv aaaers. houae to houae salesmen Every home buys one to six. Profit 91.00 dozen. Useful sample 25 cents.

Exclusive territory. Nu- Idea 47 Broadway. N. Y. MICE EXTERMINATOR Salesmen Independence Awaits THE LIVE WIRES Who Grasp This Opportunity Factories, warehouses, estates, corn merclal and public institutions, hotels, hospitals, large homes, are desperately In need of our scientific, poa-Itive but simple method of exterminating rats and mice.

Grateful clients and long contracts await you. Permanent business with unlimited possibilities, some of our associates draw 175 weekly in cotumiKslon and service fees. Small capital required. Full cooperation. Write for details.

RA TIN LABORATORIES, Inc. 116 Broad New )ork p.llr,(..wn ID'! dtlrjr pnxlnrti. Hem- 0BT'iAGES (100.000 with reamery Company, 7t4 which to purchase e- ood mortgages, prompt 8. 20th Ht. which to mortgages, prompt efficient service.

Mortgage I young married man. Must le neat in ap- I pen rs lice and be able to meet the public, Fair Hilary to begin. Apply today to Dual- 21t st. I JEWELRY POLISHER And watchmaker wanted. Uth must lie first class workmen.

Permanent. Address V. E. Jacobs Jackaonrllle. Fla.

LIVE JOBBER Or salesman wanted who can MAKE real money. Old batteries renewed In thirty minutes with Batterylifs. No rentals, delays or Injury. Selling or agency. Bat-teryllfe, 401 Hemphill.

Ft- Worth. Tex. GROCERY AND MARKET For sale; $400 will stsrt you la a real cash grocery and market doing a real cash hue! in a growing suburb. Must sell quick, leaving city. CALL BILL PRICE MAIN 4000 aou urv Paging 1202 American Trust Bldg.

MORTGAGE LOAM Made for periods of 3 to 10 years on improved Binning ham property at low Interest rstss; unlimited funds st all times HAZZAKD CLARK MORTGAGE CO. IRC. 406-4 TITLE GUARANTEE BLDG. MAIN 9464 COLLINS, MAIN P0INTMENT CALL F. 370.

MONDAY ONLY. handy man (hospital 1. meals. Colored apartment house Janitor. 930.

Colored trnck driver-porter. 910 up. Two colored men cooks (cafe). Colored garage boy, 914-918 week. Colored porter, theater, A-l salary.

Colored car washer-tire changer. Two colored hotel bell hops. Walters. Colored hotel hall boyn Bu boys, etc. MAGIC CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU X.

20Tri ST. 0PP. 1 A LEGITIMATE companies needing finance are getting rait for others, references furnished Write 713 Central Havings Bank Denver, Colo. MARKET! and grocery, good location, doing good butines or will rent market to re sponsible party. Call Woodlawn 472 or 592.

AMAZIN0 SPRING KELLER Ninety-nine men out of 100 nay It la a knockout; $5 an hour and $50 a day salesmen's profit prove it. Every man over 1H buys on sight; wonderful product; different; patented; big commissions dally, plus monthly bouu We deliver and collect. Full or spare time Free offer thlrf month. Write today. Rhodes Mfg.

1406 Pendleton, St. Louis, Mo. PEAL EMT ATE- Loans at low but ness and residence property. Hlrioer bankers. 2191 1st Ave.

Main 1057. organize to sell direct to consuming trade, stores, markets, dairies, institutions the lu-st Insecticide on tin market. Fly-Fix" has beer, proven tn-it by lending stores. In SALESMAN Wanted with automobile, rood atltutlons. dairies and markets.

Has high proposition for the right man. Address et state recommendations. New York City j.jjj rare News, and Boston selling organizations are break j--Ing all records. Splendid remuneration, Write why we should pick you for thin I territory. Valentine Chemical 213 Endicott Boston.

Mass SALESMEN Wanted, two live wire suleHnien that know the city well and are willing I to work to sell real estate with old reliable firm. AU applications treated confidential. Moderate salary. YV rite A-374. care New.

DEMON HTR A TOR Agent. Marvelous nt-tarlimeut Just out does perfect hemstitching JVot eilging. superhenistitcbing with any aewing mahinea. Hetaila Sell on alght. Over 500 per cent profit.

Write quick for proposition. Sample 91. Marvel At- lachntent Box 146-A, Mesilla Park. M. FEMALE Wanted to sell a new skin beautl- fier.

You look 10 years younger in 3 minutes; stay on face 10 times longer than face powder; guaranteed. Write for free Ir.for mation Dr. Keathiey, Little Ro k. Ark. HOLHEKEEPER For four adult on farm Cali Hemlock 2872.

OCREKEEPER Woman for general house wod and nursing. 1045 S. 31at 8t. Hof HEKEEPEK Wanted a middle aged colored woman, with no encumbrance to help with invalid and household duties. Give phone uumlaer.

Address 85ft, News. A Ut EL I. EE Apply Hm It ty Hhoppe, or would rent booth. Phone Monday, Main today. Woodlawn 1873-J.

WANTED, men to build fence In country on contract. So much per panel. W. E. Hhfne, 1005 Ave.

REAL ESTATE LOANS Old-favhtoued plan; figure It In your head, one to ps on aa-PRESSING HHOP Consisting of one Hoff cwrlty; no to leal with, men man machine, 2 Ford car, doing I tody, quick service. Joi.n W. Prudo. 7(R business; best location in Woodlawn. 5714 i mthern Railway Bldg.

Man 3793. BEAL ESTATE I si ou lirti mortgage st ALABAMA BARBER COLLEGE 5b, N. 20th Apply by letter. J-753, care News. St.

Life scholarship, $3,3. Earn while learn- BALK8M a Manufacturer of novelty rugs Ing; position guaranteed. Enroll now. offers exceptional opportunity for high- cla as sideline mail calling on furniture and HELP WANTED INSTRCTN 33A department stores. Hales Manager.

Frank fort. Ave At Wiidey Station K. Phlltf delphia. Pn. BRICKLAYERS and builders wanted.

Write for sample building plan 7 and per cent. Henley -Spurgeon Realty Co. 322 N. 21t St. LABORERS Wanted: At once 12 laborers white or colored for general work at veneer plant, also two stationery firemen steady work, houae rent free, and good pay, money every Saturday night, communicate with American Veneer McDowell, Ala.

PARTNER Wanted lady or gentleman to open beauty parlor. 1 am an expert in I1 branches of beauty culture and have some WILL build and flnanco nom oo your lot equipment. Best of references. If interested write P-859, care New. ROOMING HOUSE If you have $500 to put into a rooming bouse, write to me.

Z-30S, care News. mine. Lock and key Job. Main 3016. QUICK private loan to honest men and who are steadily employed.

M. E. 405 Am. Trust. Main 63 34.

and booklet, How to Read Blue Prints, OFFICE MAN Young rnan. 20 to 25. capable 1 SALESMEN To place products with manu- 1 Mailed free. Address Building 1381, Md 1 factoring plants ou approval. High com 1 of office work.

Must le rapid Chicago Tech, 118 E. 20th Chicago mission paid on receipt of trial orders, and I on repeat business. No experience, no sell- I ing. no samples, no demonstration Continental Asbestos Refining 1 Madison New York. N.

-Z i PRESSED Wanted, must be first class or K.wiv-w ant-4 to do genoral houaework and ol ot nl! K-e Mr. Ko-, on 7718 Dorw baby. Apyly 81o Av(, or 8t Monda.v 8. ltiornina Hast I.akr. Si'BSE (JikhI 1 1 lrd rolored nnrae must PR KSSKR- Wint.

"iuit he eiperlenced, lire on place, call Mrs. It. Morgan. rejrnlar work nnd awd pay for right one. doing general on typewriter 514 1st Natl Bunk Bldg NOW ready for direct selling, marvelous diamond rival; guaranteed to defy detection.

Agent can make $100 weekly. Ilajah Diamond Hallabury, N. C. SALESMAN WITH CAB Our wonderful seif vulcanixiug tire boot and tube patch handled as sideline will pay all traveling expenses. Hale guaranteed.

Profits 100 per cent. American-Dixie Products Memphta, Tenn. AGENTS- $100 weekly and exclusive tend-toVy selling automatic thermostatic carbu-rator control for Ford. Saves gas. Demonstrator furnished free.

Write for proposition. Fellers. 418 N. Homan. Chicago.

AGENTS $10 915" day In your spare time. I Red hot seller. Men buy on sight. Write for particulars. Webb, 519 East Edward, Springfield, llllnola SITU ATNS WNTED FEMALE 36 LOOK KEEPER (ashler, atenographTc.

sever-ai years' experience. Could accept lmrae-dlately. Hemlock 2770-J. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly experienced, want position. Can use Burroughs posting machine.

References. Miss Gladys, Main 0974. AD ERJTSK in 800 mnir; MwKum; 28 words, 910: 1.244 newspapers, $33; other Hats tor, Hartford Chicago. BARHERING Look free ticket to Atlanta barber college Biggest and beat in the South. Special rates.

11 E. Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ga. COTTON GRADING Wanted, men to learn cotton grading, stapling, either personal or correspondence course. Excellent future.

Cotton School, Charlotte. N. C. SALESMAN WANTED Commission basis onlv. to handle complete line trunka, bag and suitcases.

Good oronosltlon to man with selling ability. Standard Trunk A Bag Petersburg, Va. Apply Reid Cleaner Dyers, 2tKKl N. 16th St. Hemlm'k 4416.

ROOMING HOUSE 10 rooms, large front and back porch (enclosed); highest elevation on Northslde northern exKsure, aa sures a cool place this Sumpier; 5 minutes from downtown; plenty of space on back of lot to ngrk cars: lalf block of car: lot 55x155 feet. Price 98.000 91,000 rash balance easy. Phone me for details. W. WORTHINGTON WELLS BELL-CAR NS REALTY CO.

2028 4Tn AVE. MAIN 4326 4327 MIRRORS Salesman for Southern atates to sell line Polychrome Mirrors. Framed pictures, bathroom mirrors, medicine cabinets and wood specialties, liberal commission. Nathan Stone 2UU0 N. Major Av e.

t' hi ra gt: POLISH-- Red Devil polish removes rain spots. Our franchise mean Mg. quick money. Enormous sales, autos, household, factories. $2.50 do.

Retails 91. Free namples. Write today. EZ Polishes 100 Water Brooklyn, N. Y.

PRINTING 40 per cent commission. No competition big repeater; pocket aample free. Merchants 540 8. Dearborn, Chicago. PHOTOGRAPHS' New camera finishes regular black and whit photographs Inside camera quickly.

Make money taking photos, selling cameras. Crown, 439 Canal, Dept. 433. New York. I I'ORTR A IT Agents.

Portraits, frames, class ut wholesale. Best work, quickest service, Lowest prices. Write Perfection Portrait Co. 600 Blue Island Chicago. radio Big pay placing rad ta with Summer sale guaranteed.

Two sale for $50. Commissions on repeats. Radio knowledge unnecessary. Box 497. Iowa City, Iowa.

RAINCOATS- -Colored raincoats, 92.93. Big variety. Also everyday" suits, 97.94. Cash bonus. Outfit free.

Eastern Raincoat, 307 VanBuren, Chicago. RUBBER REPAIR Make 115 daily selling Fixit Rubber Repair (liquid rubber). Doubles mileage of tires and tubes. Sensational seller and moneymaker of 1926. Sample free.

Marquette Rubber 2327 Wol- fram Chicago. SMOCKS Sample $1.45. Color outfit, photograph free; also free lingerie outfit. Libby Lingerie. 6 N.

Michigan, Chicago. SLICKERS Represent manufacturer. Guaranteed $10 colored slickers, $2.98. Largest com missions advanced. Coat, outfit free.

ro me. 207 8. Green. Chicago. SPARK PLUG District agents for Ako" amazing new' all-lraa pHrk plug, guaranteed to out-laat and out-perform all other.

Make $5 an hour, $150 weekly; 100 per cent profit. Big fleet owners like Standard OU, Armour, Swift Use in hundred lots. Big profits from repeat orders. Demonstrator plug free. Write quick for exclusive territory.

Westingale Electric Dept. 197, 1755 Belmont Chicago. 8HI RTS Agents: 975 to $150 weekly to intro women Leo, MORTGAGE LOANS FIRST MORTGAGES SECOND MORTGAGES CONSTRUCTION LOANS ND ANNUAL REDUCTION UNLIMITED FUNDS FRA LI ATTO MAIN 8344-5 2103 1ST AVE LOAN 950 to 95,000 maae between husband, wife and ourselves, repaying In 20 months Or less. 6Q3 Jackson Bldg. A SALARY LOAN $10 to $100 In 6 monthly Installment to steadily employed men and women on personal note.

Quick, confidential. EMPLOYES LOAN SOCIETY 506 LYRIC BLDG. MAIN 6376 LOANS mads on Birmingham real estate, and 7 per cent. Title Guarantee Loan 4b rust Co. Tit le Bldg.

wages, confidential. Industrial Loan 1901 DETECTIVE Be detective, $50-9100 weekly, travel over world; experience unnecessary. American Detective Agency, 700 Columbia, St. Louis. FIREMEN, brakemen, baggagemen (white or colored), sleeping car.

train porters (colored), $150 9250 monthly. Experience unnecessary. 060 Railway Bureau, East St. Louis. 111.

SALESMEN- Wanted to sell Poly Pop. 10c lx make one half gallon of fine drink for parties, sociala or to serve nt meals. Put tip in assorted flavors Sells well In retail grocery storc-a. tulck seller and sure repea r. Exclusive teritory given, and we pay you liberal commission on repeat orders coming from your territory.

If you are a hustler and want to make money from HOUSEKEEPER Young widow wishes position us housekeeper for widower with or without children. Call Sunday from 9 until 5 Ensley 2479-W or write 3412 Bessemer Birmingham. Ala. BOOMING HOUSE Wanted parties to take over lease of 10-room, furnished apartments; furniture sold at a sacrifice; owner leav- i Ing city. Addresa L-305.

care News. RESTAURANT Cigars, soft drinks and 27 Roebuck Springs. Woodlawn 1140-W. PRESSERS Wanted, colored women pressers. Apply 215 24 tb 8t Monday morning W.

B. OPERATOR Wanted, typist, must be neat in appearance and have pleasant personality. Apply in handwriting. agivlng phoue number, to D-3D3, are News. BTENiMiBAl'H ERS Wanted by BIrminghntn firms About 200 in next ftO days.

Begin training now. Day and night classes. Call or write Al verson Business College for rotes. 2021 lat Ave. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Young iadioa under 3).

thoroughly experienced and capable required. No application fee. IVronel jt Service 514 1 st Nat'i Bank Bldg. SALESLADIES WITH CARS, CITY AND COUNTY. $5 PER STRAIGHT SALARY.

WE TRAIN THOSE WE SELECT. RAPID PROMOTION. APPLY 0-12 ONLY, 307 JACKSON BLIKi. OMKN very to sell Kleenmltt, tha butiI.rt ulu IrinKlUN. brahmen, N-glnnera (ISO.

later na to jour Jrl5nre and terrltorr 2-70 alan Hark. Permanent (which you with to work Write at once for ter- Wrlte lUHwuy, 1 ritory la going fast. Big Stute 2700 'RAILWAY postal clerks. $158 9225 month room in connection. 20 room completely MONEY TO HONEST PEOPLE Rate rea-furnislied.

If you are looking for bargains JEOPLR Raiea rt sons hie. terms to salt. No assignment of LEGAL STENOGRAPHER ft rears' experience in law and real estate. Will consider regular half day or hour work. Main 5810-W.

MATKRN 1 LrRPKT A vailable at all times, will make early engagements. Call Hemlock 3275 J. don't wait. Just writs owner. Z-858, care News.

SAND AND GRAVEL BUSINESS Travel, see your country. Men, 18 up. Steady work. Experience unnecessary. Common education sufficient.

Sample coaching lessons, free. Apply today. K-801, cart News. For sale, pit located on railroad and equipped with machinery. A moneymaker.

L-805, care New. Ave. Fort Worth, Tex. SALESMEN If you could afford a business man high grade pencils with his ad imprinted in gold, in quantities ns small us single grow, cheaper than he buys bis ART- Summer clashes In decorative arts. Inordinary pencils, so he could use them him- self ns an udvertiaing novelty, wouldnt you think you had real live Easy nale.

big commissions. Mr. Hobbs, salt-8 muuuger, 83 Murra New lork City. ginning Monday, May 31st. Phone Hemlock 3205.

ATTEND Wheeler Business College, established 1888. Session day and night. Wheeler nd eot ge tha best posit Iona. STENOGRAPHER Wants position. Call Miss Main 7514 or address 1730 8th N.

STENOGRAPHER Position as stenographer. Three month experience. Ensley 1521-W. $500 OR LESS loaned on furniture. 20 month or leas to repay.

National Cash Credit Corporation. 603 Jackson Bldg. Main HH4. PERSONAL LOANS- We pay off your indebtedness and charge you less than $8 per hundred, with 10 month or 50 weeks to pay back. PEOPLES FINANCE A THRIFT CO.

OF BIRMINGHAM 1927 6TH N. STORE- For sale, with two living rooms: nice size lot. $3,500. Easy terms. Call West End 729.

Has A LADY wishes position in laundry, experience. Hemlock 2571-J. WANTED--Girls, women 16 up. Learn gown making at home. 935 week.

Learn while earning. Surnple lessons free Immediately, Franklin Institute. Dept. 500-B Rochester, N. Y.

BE A DETECTIVE Work home or travel. Experience unnecceasary. Write Dept. 702, American Detective System. 1960 Eroad-way.

N. YT. Uuce Chieftain 3 for $4.95 guaranteed WANTED, position a stenographer and gen- MUST LEAVE TOWN Going to m1J a real nice confectionery business, making money, on 19th Bessemer. Will trade for car or real estate or stock of groceries. Thin business must go.

Rent only $30 a month, (iood location. Call Ensley 2861-W. tailored shirts. Samples and full work Ing outfit free. Your pay daily.

Cincinnati Shirt Company, 83-622, Cincinnati, Ohio. PR ESHER Colored man to press men's suits on Hoffman machine. Salary $1S week. Sunshine Dry Cleaning 10th Ave. and I I 23rd S.

PAINT AND ROOF CKMBNT Sales man, mH i ing plan allows you to lent competition; lib- I eral drawing account. United Builders 8i)2 Wade Park, Cleveland. O. REGISTERED DRUGGIST Wanted, young; man preferred. Scurbrough-Landhara Drug I Anniston.

Ala. STOCK CLERK For largo corporation. 25-35. experienced in mill supplies. Salary 125-9150 514 First National Bank Bldg.

STOREKEEPER For supply house. IV for ably one familiar with supplies for cement mill Must he able give good references. Immediate opening, rit 306. care wa SIDELINE 8AI ESMKN Make $25 to 975 weekly extra, selling advertising novelty; trade stimulator: every merchant pros-, pert. Tioneer Rubber Willard, Ohio.

SIDELINE SAl.IaSMEN Making towns under 2.is0 population. Easy money placing qur Mint Vending Machines with merchants on percentage basis 95 per order No sale, no sample to carry. Write for details, Dept 7, Keeney A Sons, 700 E. 40th Chicago. SPECIALTY SALESMEN Sell merchants trade boosters that bring results.

$50 to 9230 weekly easy. Speciality Advertisers, 20 E. 4ackon, Chicago. BHGKS--47 an hour actually earned Tn spare time selling for the largest dlrecto to wearer shoe firm in the world 95 values for $2.95. Write quick for free particulars.

The Dou-blc Wearghoe Co MinneattoU. Minn. ft "neat appearance, have sales ability and be able to make surety bond. To this man we give contract that will net Idg returnu. Singer Hewing Machine 1825 2nd Bessemer.

Bessemer 204. SALESMEN To cover Birmingham district: g' hm M-iling article for soda fount and It.nch rooms, demonstration sells it. One sale a day means $15 to you. 3022 llauk-ers Bond Bldg. SALESMEN -New invention, Blgeiow'a Kandy Kabln.

startles vending world; hold 6 Jobs; vends ball gum 1-23 way Big Jim Gum and Nut or small candles; 3 compartments: advertises merchant' specials displays goods, enormous profits: 110.000 possible, rurity Gum Milwaukee. Wla. SALESMEN -Good specialty men earning to $30 dally; new fast selling prooition si! merchants; liberal guarantee agalps? rmiaion to right men. Universal Nov- 1 0 Box 522-AL, f. a City, offer $100 per wek to atnbi-Jlou workr.

selliug guaranteed roof and paints to property owners, farm-f. Industrie on credit. Attractive sain outfit furnished; full co-operution The American Aatesto Rroducta Co Dept It Cleveland. O. eral office work.

Call Monday from 8 to 5. Woodlawn 100. REFINED woman of highest character desires position a companion or mothers helper. Willing to take charge of children In mother's absence. Pleasant home desired with merely nominal salary.

West End 256 J. FOR SALE Small stock of dry goods, shoe and notions, must sell on account of health. Also storehouse; will sell or give long lease. See E. A.

Plylar, Parrish, Ala. SHOES Big money selling "Spires Quality Shoes for ladies direct. Satisfaction guaranteed. Latest styles $4 up. Square deal policy.

Spire Shoe Company, Dept. 99. Cincinnati. MONEY to lend on Improved real estate, 6 per cent and up. See me; quick action.

R. C. Hemphill, 701-2 Empire Bldg. Main 1866. LOANS--Made to help, buy, build or improve homes; money on hand.

Security Havings 4k Loan 2125 3rd Birmingham. SOAPS We start you without a dollar. Soaps, extracts, perfume, toilet good. Experience a. REFINED widow with 2 school children Carnation Dept.

562, Ht, unnecessary. desires position as housekefier. Bessemer Louis, Mo. 295-W. Address G-100, Birmingham News, Bessemer, Ala.

SALESMEN Two first claaa specialty salesmen, producers and hustlers earn $5,000 to llO.tM' yearly such only need apply. Call at i70i Ave. SALESMEN Are you looking for a real connection In tlie big money class We market two high-grade profit producers for retail merchants One Is the famous Electric Tostette Machine that Is being installed by druggists and confectioners wherever it is shown. The other is an all-electric auto matlc popcorn machine that operates off an ordinary light docket, popping the corn under glass These machines are sold on easy payments. For full details write the International Sales Indlnnapcdia.

Ind. SALESMEN Wanted. A nationally known, old established and largewt company of It kind in the United States bus opening for ambitious salesmen who desire to make more money and be in line for promotion. We manufacture and sell guaranteed farm necessity on very liberal terms. No money down Previous experience in our line not essential.

We train you at our expense. We pay traveling expense, liberal commissions. and bonus. Applicant tween agen from 25 to 45 who have automobile and ran furnish A-l reference may inter- lew W. A.

Henderson. 411 Martin Birmingham, Ala Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. TIRE, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES, GAS AND OIL A good going business ot 3 years standing with well established trade In good location. Good lease. Well worth looking into.

Direct from owner. Price 93,500. Address P-358, care New. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 37 MEN Women, 18 up. Get TJ.

S. government life Jobs. Commence 995 to 9158 month. Quick raise Steady work. Paid vacations Coiiynon education sufficient.

Experience unnecessary. Sample examination coaching and full particular free. Write Immediately today. Franklin Institute, Dept. 1, Bj Rochester.

N. Y. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Operators needed. Salaries large. Reduced rate on until June 10.

Posit bM guaranteed or tuition refunded. Address Dept. 8 4. McCool Telegraph College. Sandersvllie, Ga.

WANTED men wishing to become flremen-bra kciuen on standard road. No experience necessary 9150-9190 month. Inter Railway, Dept. 1, Indianapolis, Ind. ACCOUNTANT- Wants small sat of books to keep mornings or evenings.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Address IMS09. care News. HELP MALE OR FEMALE 34 nevest patent sanitary Xvash aad bath cloth mitten Hell on sight to every person for 2- cents each. Many buy 6 at a time.

Your profit eaily weekly. Hpare or full time. Snd 23 cents silver today fur sample Kleenmltt and particulars ExMrience un- i uecesstry. Kleenmltt Manufacturers, 440 8. I Dearhcrn St Chicago.

Ill SAKE 9K to 975 week in ash Get your I lingerie free Take orders among friends. Foil or spare time New line of lingerie. Women can't resist heauGrui garments. Nothing like them in We furnish free sample line Address Dept Nt 530, Premiere Garment Co. Gallon, Ohio.

Cadies, earn extra money addressing' cards at home. Experience unue ear 2 cent stamp livings parth-alars Interstate 3(14 11 68rd Hr Room 10. Chicago $6-918 a dozen decorating pi-low tops at home. Experience ntmeceaaary. J'artiru Jar for stump.

Tapestry Paint Co 214 L.a Grmge. lud. WAKTED ilady for downtown branch office. Om with dry cleaning experience prcferrel Apply Blue Bird Dry 'leasing 928 Tuscaloosa Ave West End. AT ote-e five ladies to travel, 'lemonstrate exquisite beauty line sell dealers, tin p.

$Ht) ier week end railroad fort Gordon Gordon. O-101, 1101-09 Wells Chic gO. BE a (Milliner refined, fascinating, good pay Hteady employ iiient ftcur tc week-course. 945 Diplomas given. Sparks Mil linery Be bool 44 Whitehall, Atlanta tin.

ItfAKE 923 weekly at home furnishing names and addresses Experience unnecessary Isrtiraton free. Cooperative Malting i Ht. laoots. Mo. ATTRACTIVE position open June 13 for -h-et Christian College graduate tea her.

23 40 Training or experience a religious educational director or K. 8. worker preferred. Opportunity for unusual service-and aplendid incom. Write fully; give phone K-ftt'.

care News LaDIBH dally lad in advance In trodBK'ing new gnarantced hosiery 57 style. 39 colors Bummer line now ready. You imply take order. We deliver and collect No or capital needed. Spare tim satisfactory.

Sample furnished. Mac-O-Cfaee Trxtile YV3-622, Cincinnati, KARN $5 10 weekly at home. Easy, pleasant. Instructions. 30 Refunded If dissatisfied-National Co 93 Rt Toledo, Ohio.

A DIES Addres envelope at home. Rx-perience unnecessary, no canvaseiug. pay at the rate of $1 per hundred. Write Unmediately Imperial Advertising 140 42nd Ht New Torlc WANTBU- White woman for assistant pastry cook. Apply liwper'k Cgle.

9oJ 4TP i NEED MONEY? LET US HELP YOU A friendly Trustee Syatem loan will set you right with your creditors, end start you, unhampered, on the road to Independence. Good character and steady employment qualify you for our service. The term are easy. You pay by the month. Other creditor are Impatient for paymaut; you have a YEAR to settle with ua.

Our reputation is for friendly, fair and helpful service. Let us prove to you that we deserve It TRUSTEES SYSTEM 6ERVICH 2024 FIRST AVENUE SHIRTS We bare openings for one or two additional experienced salesmen, now calling on general store nnd mens furnishing trade, to sell snappiest, fastest Helling line of work shirts In country. Just nine wonderful styles. Americas Ideal sideline. Liberal commissions.

Easy to carry. Write fully. Illinois Sales 332 S. LaHalle, Chicago. SLICKERS- Agents: Make big money taking orders sensutional $2.98 slickers.

Selling outfit free. American Waterproof Company. 724 A. Roosevelt, Chicago. SHIRTS If you MB sell shirts to pettUert, can furnish references, we will give you wonderful sideline, case lot work and soft collar goods.

Tell experience, territory you cover. E. A. Brookes, 303 W. Monroe.

Chi- cago. SHIRTS Agents, heat all competition, $30 dally, big bonus writing orders guaranteed shirts lie low store prices. Experience unnecessary. New sale outfit get order every time. Pay advanced.

Outfit free. Tailor-Made Shirt 1142 Ho. Dearborn, Chicago. SHAM POO- Make 9200 a week. Vitamlne God Liver Tonic shampoo.

Something new. Send $1 for two bottle outfit nnd explanation. Leon Laboratories. Chicago. STAMP VENDING MACHINE salesmen.

Sell inc opportunities good at news stands, drug and cigar stores: especially pleasure resorts. Anderson Computing JScales An-derson, Ind. 8ho*r Salesmen sell Skived Shoes to vul-canlzers. Liberal commission pair weekly. Exclusive territory, gales Manager.

900 Willow Chicago. SALESPEOPLE If 40 per week to begin with interests you call room 25. Woatherhy Hotel. TRAVELING AUDITOR -For national firm of furnish experienced colored labor; wanted certified public accountants, wants to Inter chefs, coal miners, loaders, maids, dish- view several men with high school or bet- I washers, nurses. Colored Laborer Em pipy ter education, with the view of training nient Bureau.

810 N. 18th St. Main 4914. ern for respouaBde auditing nt able to furnish good references, WANTED- Ambitious men anu women, quaiiry ACCOUNTANT wants situation. Expert accountant, 0.

P. 10 years experience, age 4o, married; furnish A No. 1 references, would like to interview any firm or corporation who Is in need of such services. Addresa W. 324 Valley Road, Fairfield, au.

BOOKKEEPER Efficient, experienced man, wishes to connect with good firm. A -510, care New. BOOKKEEPER Wanted, position as bookkeeper or clerical work, experienced, will accept any position that there 1 promotion in; have had experienced as salesman. Can give good reference. C.

B. Kemmer, Grassy Cove, Tenn. BOOKKEEPER With executive ability, now employed, desire to change. Thoroughly conversant with modern accounting method. Experienced In several lines of business, including mercantile, automobile, plantation, nnd was with previous employer several yars.

Am a married man and do not drink or gamble. Al referencea. W. A. Shurt-lef Gunnison, Miss.

HERE'S A BUSINESS GOOD FOR $6,000 TO $12,000 YEARLY Sanders of Comden, S. Marshall, of Mobile, Brisaey of Ander-on, S. Shad of Ft. Lauderdale, are a few of the many men all through the South now making more money with Unlr Electrik Maid Bake Shops than they dreamed possible. Many others all over the U.

H. own prosperous Electrik Maid Shops, without having had any former bakery experience. Vou have the same sure money making opportunity in your own town. A cash business, your profit in the till every night. Everyone who eats is a custoqier.

Business good all year round. We supply the equipment and Information and put you in a going, growing business. All you need is a willingness to work and some capital. WRITE OR WIRE TODAY for particulars. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to own a prosperous business.

ELECTRIK MAID BAKE SHOP 248 EAST 4TH ST. ST. PAUL. MINN. for local representative of our chain of real estate experts, experience unnecessary.

We teach you thoroughly by mail, furnish you big list saleable properties start you in business. Make $300 to $500 monthly. Free liooklet. Dawson Real Estate Frt Smith, Ark. WANTED Immediately, 2 lady and 2 experienced men advertising solicitor.

Address B-511, care New, giving phono number. Call Room 1007. TutwllSr Hotel, for ap pointuieut Sunday. TKANHITMAN Experienced to subdivfaicn work nnd surveying lot. 'VI1I interview between 2 and 3 i rn, Snndaj.

Salary SlttO month ot begin. No charge to register. Hill Fptrtfjpn Exchange. 1827 Age-Hera Id Bldg. i iCHERS Wanteil register pots fr post tlon In Bouth, especially Florida.

Write at oive. Executive aud txtards served promptly with carefully Investigated per Sonne I. Employment nnd Reference Asso istlon, 236 West Flagler. FIs SALESMAN' -Vacancy June Kx celient per-tnanent position, capable men on commission, in Alabama. Hell wtapie line speclaltvH eral retail trade.

Weekly adtai rominlesions. Rice 457 trotr. Mich. BALE8MEN 100 to $iW weekifuTtog greatest line of aleoarl and vending tnariiinea lied Heal Mfg. Dept Lost.

Mo. 'iK'v Salesman ha Ing large foUwfng in city of Biritilngham and vlcinltv nlso mailer towns, calling on the retail and department trade to represent large New York importer of fancy button and other gen Fort, De Wanted. 5 Irpf class open shop Price McGsugin Atlanta. Ga top wages. Price McGsughey Klee til BOOKKEEPER Expert bookkeeper desires to handle small set of books In spare time.

J-509, ca re News. BOOKKEEPER Ape 29, 8 years In all klnda of accounting; excellent referencea. Cr.u give bond. Position In or out of city. J.

M. Garland, 615 22nd N. SALESMEN AND AGENTS 35 AUTO INITIALS Big money fast. Every one buys gold initials for lil auto. You make 9144 on 91.50 sale.

Samples free. World Monogram Dept. 146. Newark, N. J.

AUTO ACCESSORY 910 dnll.v eay. Wt atari vou In auto accessory business. No investment. no experience necessary. Exclusive territory Motor Products 1758 Lnnt Chicago.

IIKMKN wlrenieu, DAVIS BARBER COLLEGE 2125 2nd Life sclmlnrshlp. $40. Hair cut, 2f. shave. 10c; free work (n rear room.

FOR SALEBlncksniith and shoeing shop, doing good feb us! ness. Good reason for selling. 303 BRywn's Lane. Pratt City. SIDE LINE salesmen trying out electric signs an side line at firat.

making 910.000 yearly when experienced. Flashtrlc, 2i24 Hudson. Chicago. LOANS: Small second mortgage loans. Wo specialize in making small second mortgage loans repayable in monthly payments.

Alo loans on endorsed notea. Liberal Finance 1024 Fourth N. Hemlock 3871. GOOD paying business, w-ell entabllnhed cJe-terfia and dairy products, located at 926 Tuscaloosa 4-year lease at a bargain; call me for further Information. A.

C. Fancher. West End 1508. West End R. B.

1120 Tuscaloosa Ave. novelties at attractive price; inrK commissions. rite giving full particulars Earn 'while learning in first letter ngnr.ling exact territorr rov- ered. newer held In strict confidence I YOUNG MEN To lesm soil pipe molding, Yifc Cl World Tower Bide n.ut have lieen through seventh grade; ''inii, iiir orld Tower Bldg Ngw must hat lieeo through seventh grade; hard ENGINEER- Graduate engineer, 14 years experience In design and supt. all classes heavy conatructlon.

Desires a connection with general contractor or architect. A-l reference aa to character and ability. Box B-513. care News. BALB8B0ARD8 Make up to $50 on single aale.

Largest, lowest priced line. No samples to carry. Elalxirate 3 color catalogue Tree. Lincoln Sales Dept. 901.

0 S. Clinton, Chicago, UNLIMITED funds; construction loans, first mortgage loo). Franklin-Pa tton, 2106 lat Main 8845. MONEY loaned to working men; assy sri aa sswi3a'wr AUTO INVENTION Huge profits. Auto Invention, tested by world renowned Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Official test how gasoline mileage increased 63 per cent. Wonderful proposition. Learn how Smith, Ohio, made $800 In one day. Territory, PhlUfl St. Ll.

Ms SALESMEN- For local territory to TelTlow-est priced electric sign made Married men oref erred On salary or ommi Ti Utfoancy ByrlngficM, yhlq, weigh 170 or over, and use to work: good pay while learning, steady work if make gotd. Apply Mr. Franklin. Birmingham Machine 4k Foundry 10th nd 37tli BL. tail UtrtuJngUaiu, IF you with to connect with a good business and have from $200 to 9500 and your service, answer this ad.

Monday. D-513, ear Ntwjh TOILET ARTICLES GS6 pr free sample case toilet articles, perfume ani specialties. Wonderfully profitable. La Derma Dept. m.

(tala ad WaUiut, Bt. Lvuii. U. HIGH oehl boy, anxious to secure position as office boy or any honorable work during Puiumer. Mala 1628-J, t- l.dai-V 4'' is.

The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.