The Bonne Terre Register from Bonne Terre, Missouri (2024)

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The Bonne Terre Registeri

Bonne Terre, Missouri

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School News Datfy Dr Midshipman Owen Cedarburg "Sit on the floor lift eggs RJC WANTED Mr and Mrs Grover Norman a happy home An Ideal Xmas Gift The Colorful Life of Mrs Sam Hildebrand ORDER YOUR to 19 Now Available in boys SAM HILDEBRAND will appear RIDES AGAIN fH' adnptinn radio stations has lead ini' Tt I ml I SCRATCH 1 Illi criicon Thr abb1 tn carry I it 20c a Dound a demor trat ion of skillful gym try cool I uniioitake on i ni'i oils conditions The Star New American travelers back from Register aiMin fia NEW ARMY TANK HARD III Bi ll I) The wound STRAW MITE IS PREVALENT IN MISSOURI THIS ALL must tank is nuw mailable to everyone for only a p' nny donation to the Bed Cross Copies may be ob 'tamed from the High School of fice and Mrs Rice Sligh Jr president Charles Sligh Co Holland Mich ttas ci host ess Eight members ami two visitors answered the fare and permanent plans re mains with the welfare agency The child welfare worker in the county welfare oftice visits with December December comber December "December December Tournament January 2January January I Ja nnary 1 Jan 22 2 nient ebruary "ebruary ebruary ebrua ry ebruary at alsehood is in a hurry it may be at any moment detected and punished: truth is calm serene its judgment is on high: its king cometh out of the chambers of eternity Parker conducted at the Church here next Sunday morn ntt Nov 26th at 9:30 a an mter become a Mrs who broke her recovering curities held Total expendi Mr and daughti ized farms are glad of a chance to live on a scale equivalent to what American farmers had 100 'ears ago The one Hanger will be sop ited by approximately lllu noti'ch rirnis acts including in Zaci'hims liavi' I tile big circus ORDER VOI CHRISTMAS WREATHS EARLY ROM THE Most Notorious cult sil gin double turns and rs mils from swinging trap et's to catching hands "There's a job for every man woman and child in Missouri tanks I ms bi in rchai ci able Mrs Elmer Wilfong Olla rs present ware Mrs 1 Mrs Mcadden and Mis Marvin Kinger 6 lat Hivei 9 Desloge 13 Esther 10 Bonne Terre You had better secure your copy now for the publishers have underestimated the demand and the advance sales have been tar greater than anticipated assemble Wednesday of Mayflower Campact Landing I of the Pilgrims Indian War Dance Church Scene irst Thanksgiving Dinner Meaning of Statue of Liberty Joe Howlett Don Thurman Betty Beer Haymond Stanley Evonne Williams Nelson Mr and Mrs Leon Who is He might be a baby a child of two tour six 1 Leadwood armington Cape Preps 12 Bismarck 15 DeSoto 19 Potosi 26 30 armington al Society for Crippled Children and Adults Inc Missouri's share in the National Society's pro grain or research education and services to State and County So cieties was $14453 18 Total income to the Society was given as S5282082 in The straw or grain itch mite normally leeds on insects but this 1'all it has caused many far mers and others handling straw to bnak out with hive like eruptions over their bodies Dr Philip Stone entomologist at the University of Missouri sass many people have confused the uutbriak of this mite with a fail brood of chiggers He says that the abundance ol this mite is due to the large population of one of its hosts the Angou niois grain moth found in corn and wheat The mite prefers to feed on insects but if they arc not readily available they attack man and horses Stone says these microscopic insects are extremely prolific with an adult female producing about 200 fully developed fe males and five males in a period of eight days Because they are able to survive only a few hours without nourishment the fe males swarm over their hosts in search of food While feeding they inject a small amount of small salivary secretion which brings about an eruption simi lar to that caused by the chigger In order to be protected from attack by these mites Stone recommends that persons work ing with infested straw should dust themselves liberally with flowers of sulphur and after finishing their work immedi ately take a soapy bath Stone points out that the mites usually kill all their available host in sects early in the fall and this combined with cool weather causes them to hibernate the girls and buys in your own neighborhood but needed a home and the same loving care that your children and your neighbors' children already have Bill needed a home one where he could have the love of father and a mother to take the place of an unhappy homelife full of family quarreling discord and improper care He Ineedid a comfortable home in a 'desirable neighborhood with a school church and opportunityfur recreation He needed a healthy home where he would get not only nourishing food but daily encouragement in his childhood adventures Who are these folks who are providing Bill's new may be your neighbors or the people down the street they are called his foster par ents Besides getting the satis faction of helping him grow up into a fine healthy citizen and the joy of knowing they are help ing to give Bill a good start in life they are also receiving fi nancial help for his board and expenses provided trom county funds The day by day cve of Bill is with his foster parents although Girls volleyball team up their best season in was lead by Mrs Marler: the is giving thanks Dur social hour members Leonard Dotson S(il Dollar 83 per cent sup The Junior High basketball team went to Bismarck last Thursday and defeated the Bis marck junior Hi team by the score of 29 to 25 The Bonnie Bullpups lost to Esther 21 two weeks ago The Junior high school played Elvins at Elvins Mon day Elvins won by a score of 16 to 15 The Bulldogs kick off their season 28th when they face Crystal City at Bonne Terre The schedule for the season follows: Build a Better Life for Crippled "more Medical School St University will accom pany his cousin Jack Steinbeck a sfudent at Westminster Col le ulton hi re for Thanks giving at the John Steinbeck Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith will ie the Thanksgiving guests their son (irmly Mrs I Smith and Crystal tomorrow Mr and Mrs Theo company tool mg i tanks lor the Arim finds tin' ji 'b is much h'iriit than while to build a better life for the crippled'' the Missouri So ciety tor Crippled Children and Adults Inc said in its annual report for the 1949 511 fiscal year published today People cun aid the work of the Society in four major ways (he report said By telling the County or State Society when they know of a crippled child needing heln: hv vnhintrprino time during the Easter Seal! Campaign by learning the problems of the handicapped eluding contributions other than and actions being taken to help Easter Seal and interest on se uieni so tnat everv voice can speak on behalf of the handi tures were $5551544 leaving capped and by contributing to an excess of expenses over in the annual Easter Seal appeal ronw for the fiscal year 1949 50 held during the month preced of $2694 62 1 ing Easter Sunday i The Society's Annual Report ivnv ms cirio Tmi'V covers services rendered he the I Mr and Mrs Earl Roberts and daughter Beverly will go to Leadwood for Thanksgiving dinner with Mr Hoberts par ents Mr and Mrs Roberts Mrs Earl Roberts and daugh ter Beverly were in St Louis Tuesday Miss Ruth Bouchard and brother Bill of St Louis will spend Thanksgiving with their mother Mrs Bouchard Mrs Woods was in St Louis Sunday for a visit with her father A Robinson who has been ill with pneumonia Mr and Mrs Craig were called to Belgrade Mon day to see his brother George Craig who is seriously ill Mr and Mrs Theo Tenhold er Jr had as their weekend I guests her mutlur Mrs Myrtle Hammack her brother and fam 1 ily Mr and Mrs James Ham 1 mack and children and Clar 1 ence Westrich all of St Louis Mr and Mrs A Rice wall have as Thanksgiving dinner 1 guests their two sons daughter in law Mr and Janies Rice and Donald all of St 1 unis "I want a snnn or who something tender about him preferably legal tinder'' Act Autumn Activities and Personal Items Arthur Drcter We will appreciate your tele hold their first meeting shortly att Christmas as will me new Brownie Troup that is to be ad by Mrs Howard Hare larliv to help with lire special problems Bill is definitely in his home ti mporarilv although this may be for a few months or lor sev ra! years He is di finitely not nor mam nt War is a pitiless and heartless operation This is ntil i JH true when that war is a war and guerrilla action is in voiced 1 hen men organized on a militia basis without previous military indoctrination allow their hatreds to seek vengeance on their personal enemies This is what started Sam Hildebrand on his career in an attempt to avenge the wrongs that were in flicted on him and his family The faculty and Senior pic tures tor I were taken by Quail's Studio i last week The Star News Register Bonne Terre Mo Xurovember Pace our Thursday November 23 1950 1 meeting on Thursday night in 1 Methodist Church with 2u members pres ent A new Iidirmedide troop I lead by Mrs Paul Hamb lin will hold their first meeting at tin on Wednesday num Nov 29 A third In termediate troop to be lead by Mrs A courtesy you owe your guests is to have their visits record Walter ed in The Star News Register phoning us your personal items Phone 63 War fl Tin mid it elf luisii hush" ir by Mrs Leo Moscow itz enter tained Thursday evt limit at the former hon 'with two tables of dessert pinochle It was ar ranged as a snrpris i to Mrs Sam McClintock in honor of her biit fi ti a Another honored Hoick imp Mrs assisting will financing community projects either alone or in cooperation with other agencies The Missouri Society has active volunteer Committees or Societies in 85 Missouri comi ties Twenty nine counties are served additionally from the 1 he Eiizelian class the irst I hi 1 1 st "hi i i laid their regu lar monthly mi etmg riday mght at the home of Mrs Vir The 1950 iremens Thrill Pil Mie Gzx Is 11 Ot rNzu evening CHRISTMAS WREATHS 3 at Kiel Auditorium and mak EARLY ROM THE hls Iirsl appearance here in BONNE TERRE GARDEN Persun be the Lone Ranger nn 01 hi jo Oliver tame it was an 1 rice i Bounced today Call Mrs A Perret I The Western Robin Hood an jAdis Uiiiiy dim ui iiktriy i comic sections throughout the world Silver his famous horse Tonto the Lone Hanger's faith ful Indian friend and his obedi ent equine Scout at each of the nine evening per formances starting at and at each of the five 2 30 matinees The matinee will be held Nov in St Louis sun family Mr and Mrs noy mother Mrs Magill and daughter Sydney and brother Saturday afternoon Dr Magill Mr and Mrs Hale and Un ix wui nave as guests over ed fur the benefit ui Holiday Mrs Hales parents iremen's Relief und re Mr md Mrs John North of tired firemen and for tiremen's diow anti orpnans I he Lone Ranuvr national fieuru has daily by word with yuunst ot only in this country but in Europe and South America well His popularity has been 9 ictorie of the defeats were in the Es 1 ther invitational tournament since the zirls finished the regu lar season of 9 won 1 lost In the tournami nt the girls played Ironton in the first round win ning by a score of 32 to 11 In the second round they defeated Marys 46 to 6 In the semi final round the girls met the strong Doe Rim team and were defeated by a score of 31 to 11 This eliminated them from the i mam bracket Playing arm ington Saturday night to deter mine third and fourth places the girls lost again bv a score of' 20 14 Our congratulaions to the girls for their seasons accom plishments This required long hours of faithful practice Miss Gasper is to be commended for Ler work in coaching these girls 1 ricks perched on a moon that is pro Ih by a tw in motor pl me that progres ivdy steps tl the 'I'lnpo Tim Aida net 01m of 100 notch acts to I for the Thanksgiving holidays to Anthony Hager armington HnliHav Quests of Mr and Mrs John Gaffney will be their chil jjqx SUITER aren ana lamnies mr auu mis John Gaffney Jr and daughter I he sigmlicant implications of murder and theft which were catted by the more euphonious terms of and commandeering" during the period of the War in Missouri show the degree of depravity to which the moral think ing ot our militan ancestors had arrived mimlxrs ilm Elv mil tin El) ire been lined up for Tin form just Bonne Terre Garden Club members will start making their Christmas wreaths on Monday Nov 27 They will use the basem*nt of the home of Mrs A Perri for their workshop I and salesroom I Gregory Palmer a sophom*ore 'at Missouri University will ar rive Wednesday to spend the "Sam Hildebrand Rides Again" seis forth the storv of the mo't colorful of the who operated in South east Missouri during and alter the Civil War II (' Thompson ol Bonne Terre who has made a careful studv of the entire history of the counties of the so called Lead Belt of Missouri has written a sympathetic account of jfv and activities which is now on sale in book form The Star News Register of Bonne Terre and The Lead Belt News of lat River have a limit ed number of copies for sale at SI 50 or $105 by mail ing the I 1 1 1 1 It ft I 1 ('nmrl BONNE TERRE GARDEN CLVB bride with 1 shower of gifts! Price $100 A1 members brought food do Call Ma A erret a lovp Kift 0 a fam lily on Thanksgiving Mrs Thompson and Mr land Mrs Eugene South and son David of Vandalia Mo were guests at the home of Mr land Mrs Grant Thompson last Thursday in St I urn with Mi nlmLI no tiu Mrs Mvrtlv 1 1 mt mack The Baptist Clmrih on Thursday evLiimg Nov 16 There wire one visitor and 14 members present Officers were installed by Mrs Ernest Towler Installa Officers installed Paulino Me addi Mrs Murril New 'comer first vice presid nt Mrs I Edith Donnecan second vice Mr and Mrs Ed Haug plan to 1 president and Mrs Stella Be of St Louis Mrs Cedarburg take their children Eddie quette secretary treasurer Al and Richard will remain in St iJaws and Barbara to Cuba for ter the business and social hour Izuiis until Sunday iThanksgiving Day with Mrs refreshments were served Louts until Sunday Haug's sister family Mr and Miss Janet Craig senior in Mrs Brenton and on the week 1 Mr and Mrs Om Hendrix Journalism School at Missouri end to Bourbon to be will have as their Thanksgiving 1 with 7rc ll iinf mnflinr XAro ifJttgvctc bar ciclor' At University win arrive rrrnay ior a visit with her Barents Mr and Alice Harrison and Mrs Clay Parker her Mrs Craia and sister1 niece and family Mr and Mrs1 Barbara who is a sophom*ore at PLEASANT MOUND on 1 lx Mrs Van Crane and two daugh 1 riumu 1st iiers 01 reaencKtown aunaay visiting his parents Mr and Mrs McCombs of Route One Thev nlun viinr4 Mrs Mayford McCombs and 1 Thrill UirCUS in son Robert and Misses Annette 'm 1 wi 11 and Jeanette ox Goillb NOV 2)aDcC Mr mill Mix Jess Towards and Mrs Luther rs nd eil Ilim I'ul services Mrs Aqudll w12 a WVUMTIll V15IIUI UI Coach and Mrs Wayne Parker Hospital They in this city Sl) visited their daughter Miss Mr and Mrs John Keller will jJane Conrad who is a student have as Thanksgiving dinner Mr and Mrs Arthur Hole mirse at the DePaul Hospital 'guests their daughter and fatn kamp the weekend with rrnhl Th 'G' Mr and Mrs Ted Simpson friends at Gray Summit "''h i Th'in 1S had as and daughter Phyllis of Po tier guests last week her daugh tosi and their son Kt Annual Thanksgiving party ter and son in law Mr and 'jer Louis 1 sponsored by the Married Ladies Mrs Marshall Cheney of Land 1 Boaamy ana uaugnters ot isa ukhi bella Wednesday Nov 22nd at St School1 andJ Vrs George Mc Hall Bonne Terre Pinochle Jons' Jimmy and Bridge Bingo Attendance prize a of Eurvka were here Siinnav vicifmn ue a live inraey Mr and Mrs Delbert Jenker son and children John and Lettie of Herculaneum were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Willard Ashburn and family Miss Pattsy Cook of St Louis spent irom rrrnav through Sunday here with her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Wheelen 2 Herculaneum 5 Elvins 12 Doe Hun 16 rankclay 19 Essex 27 Desloge Tmirna suoii ns possible If you would like to be fos ter parents to some chill like Bill write to Miss 'tv lii1v Child Welfare rkm Hex P'c ummgWn or call 111 "Sit on the floor lift eees in pled Children and by National air' and Wle the Cali society with which all are affili poper ated I In Missouri $5051397 of the arm recently is itotal 1949 Easter Seal contribu tinder the car of Dr lions of $17413451 was allo New Jersey paper eaten to me Missouri Society I Expenditures were reported in iour Key neias: 1 1 The Cerebral Palsy Dem onstration Project a pioneering program which has been finan Ooel ax ma a 1 1 If 1 tuc school yearbook' ''drs me ivijs has led to' manv hnp nrnorame enwiAA ui cvivitv to the cerebral palsied i I 2 Other dirAnt cnrtirc I 1 he i A Style Show com individual children and adults 'mittee is planning for the style given by the Missouri Society ishow to be presented December when local resources do not pro mt'll The sponsors of this show vide them 'Plan to hijve somewhat more 3 A state wide educational' 'xanety in the show this year program which helps to openMrs Roy Magill is the chairman the doors of opportunity for the of the style show committee handicapped 1 "Expi'i ience shows thit prim imiums 'mt ruTionm no lasting pruteitmn Tlw Junior plus 'The Dills'' was presinti'd mght to ui appreciative audi 011' 'I ip play pietcd the an tics ol the Dili children playing iray try to drive away an unwanted stepmother whom thev iiad iimiT Needles to sax the play undid with the children hwing the stepmotherli Beuli MeQuary ol the Inch ichool faculty directed the pro duction John Cogswell was incliaige of tin staging of the play guest mis Mrs A Ixtuthiuis former Itomie Ti rrim ho now resides in Jack on Miss Scoring Imi'iii's went tu Mi I Those Band members who re Iceived highest scores in the point system baseci on musician wvi services rendered oy me 1 tship and service to school and Missouri and the County Soci 'community were: Kate DeClue and committees for Crip and Lois Ann Meyer who tied for first place and Linn Gann I in first olace for the bovs lived in an unhappy home I 1 The Junior Red Cross cam paign is under way in the Bonne I Terre schools Each class room donating 50c to the fund will 1 receive a copy of the Junior Red Cross Magazine hanrtirannpH I 4 Service In nnzl Hie Speech Class and Masque City Societies and Committees and Gavel Speech Club pre for Crippled Children who in sented the following tableaux at turn provide direct aid to chil MltniDE irpn nnrt orinhe ronxlin KUUlll i C7U 1 1 litjp li ubb bveuon 01 direct serv ices given by local or County Societies is given in the report Sixty percent of the money in each County is spent locally by the County Society and goes to ward direct servirp tn rrinninri ani Aleatrice children and adults were the narrators I County services include finan cal and personal services: locat ing crippled children: arranging or aiding in clinics nr i years with a record of tions: purchasing braces wheel 1 ic and 3 defeats Two chairs and other annliances nri Men To Train or Real Estate Appraisers Age 21 to 60 Must be resident of the county two or more years Competent appraisers receive $175 to $325 per month arm experience valuable WRITE BOX 152 BONNE TERRE MO CLARENCE CLAYWELL loral Agency for GREENHOUSES LOWERS OR ALL OCCASIONS PHONES Night 183 Mrs Bnv Pnut U'nc hnetnee trz i Starts at 7:00 her tWO fnhlr pIiiL TuocLiv I Stephanie! Mr and Mrs Jack Adult Pla Entertainment evening at her home on Lake! Hirsch and daughter Jane Tom (Drnc i Gaffney a senior at University Ronald Byington of Route 4 of Missouri and Mr One who was injured in an au'n ans mother Mrs John Hirsch tumobile accident on Nov 11 is sP(nt urs Sr unprovmg and was released bwlth Mr and Mrs from the Bonne Terre Hospital Harr Hoskln8 Sunday Some of his friends ir ORDER YOUR who visited him Sunday to wish Mr danH Mr? Ha CHRISTMAS WREATHS hm a recovery were Harrj LHK1B1MAB WMAinB and Virgie Pet Bob Parker were bun EARLY ROM THE I tus Lehmln a nd avne I und in Desloge at the BONNE TERRE GARDEN CLUB (nVnoTpinkston Ml of Roue Price $100 One and Miss Dorothy Suther (1 Mrs Oave MccZ Call Mrs A Perret Mr and Mrs Harold Mr and Mrs A Perret and Dav services will be and sons Rodger and Stephan daughter Patty will spend Woman Day services wm ov n1nrino rk iThanksxivmi! with Mr and Mrs vnr 1 for thn Thnnitcttvintf kzviiriozo Anthony Hauer arminnton Visit Srhrnff rttzmnfe ttvUll UUI MUI viiLgs 111 i IIIK 4NUV iUHl fll OUM The guest speaker will be Mrs ivrs zjucnnoiz a waiKins ui rariiuiigiuii Ihanksgivin Mr and Mrs Thompson 'r 'Irs and Mrs A Magill of NROTC a pre law student al Cape Girardeau wire here for the University of South Caro a last weekend stay with their i ci um'g fnmilv 1r unl 1r Wnv Jina wui arrive Thursday His no' vuutfiuuig rum Kw him flinro and his son drove to St Louis nivnciiu uiau iw vvk mu where they will have a family for the football game between hum officer Thanksgiving dinnner together' Washington University and were Mrs Others in the group will be Mr Southeast Missouri State Col president and Mrs Leo Berger mr ana ruu Mrs Raymond Haegeic ana mr and Mrs Robert Cedarburg all nf St lanns 1 Day guests of Linn Thoinoson left yesterday morning for ort I'1 ie H'eir daughter and fam Knox Ky where they will''1' 'r antl 'J' Dickey spend the Thanksgiving holidays a11 of Overland and with their son 'r son a at the Thompson II of the Armv University of Missouri who will Dental Corps They will return for the weekend UIIUUJ Bob Coulter coach of the "trc 11 Louis Thursday to Thanksgiving holidays with his vl K' Lebanon High School football sisier nirs purems squad was a weekend visitor of "ne wh ls critically Palmer ill ILz II rc Loach and Mrs Wayne Parker lien ViClfzii th Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Juel Byington Route One were Mr and Mrs Arthur Scott St Louis Sgt and Mrs Joe Pinkston and daughter Pam of Oceanside Calif and Mr and Mrs Ernest Mund Mrs Jack Siler left Monday for Joliet 111 to be with her sister Mrs Andrew Christopher 2(i and Dec 3 Sundays am! Dec 1 riday The annual circus is as guests over ed for the benefit of the St und re thiid Has Had Help Ronne Terre ile W' I I 4 i i Sb KSStAMn PADS MLIMaiMi.

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The Bonne Terre Register from Bonne Terre, Missouri (2024)


What is the history of the Bonne Terre Mine? ›

National Geographic calls Bonne Terre Mine: “One of America's Top 10 Greatest Adventures.” One of the world's largest man-made caverns, founded in 1860 as one of history's earliest deep-earth lead mines. This was the world's largest producer of lead ore until it was closed in 1962. The mine has five levels.

What does Bonne Terre stand for? ›

Surface miners referred to it as La Bonne Terre around 1825, meaning "the good soil" because of the lead. In 1828, St. Anne, the first Catholic chapel in St Francois county was built here. In 1864, Bonne Terre Mine was established by St. Joseph lead mining company which was incorporated in NYC the same year.

Who owns Bonne Terre Mine? ›

Doug Goergens, the one and only owner of Bonne Terre Mine and West End Diving, had other plans.

What is the largest underground lake in Missouri? ›

Bonne Terre Mine Boat & Walking Tour

Take a combined boat and walking tour through the Bonne Terre Mine - a five level underground world created by St. Joe Lead Company from 1862 to 1963. It is now the home to the world's largest subterranean lake!

How deep is the water in Bonne Terre mine? ›

Average Length of dives is 35-45 minutes, Average Depth 40-60 feet. Water Temperature 60°F Year-Round (NO THERMOCLINE).

What does Terre mean in Latin? ›

terre f (plural terres) earth; soil.

What does Terre translate to in English? ›

soil Earth is the soil that plants grow in.

What time is the eclipse in Bonne Terre, Missouri? ›

April 8, 2024 — Total Solar Eclipse — City of Bonne Terre, Missouri, USA
Global Event:Total Solar Eclipse
Began:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 12:41 pm
Maximum:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 1:59 pm 1.000 Magnitude
Ended:Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 3:16 pm
Duration:2 hours, 35 minutes
3 more rows

What is the history of the bon ami mine? ›

The Bon Ami Mine was a feldspar mine during the early and mid-1900s - providing the primary ingredient for the popular Bon Ami cleaning powder. A nearby mine was operated by Tiffany and Company. The Big McKinney Mine at Emerald Village was once the largest feldspar mine in the world.

How did Bonne Terre mine flood? ›

A scuba diver swims near an old rail system track at the Bonne Terre Mine. This mine used to supply much of the lead used in the country but was abandoned in the 1960s. Three of the five levels in the mine flooded when the pumps that kept the water at bay were turned off, creating the world's largest subterranean lake.

What is the history of the Queen mine? ›

Bisbee's Queen Mine was one of the richest copper mines in history. The mine opened in 1877 and eventually closed when Phelps Dodge discontinued mining operations in Bisbee in the mid-1970's. The Queen Mine opened once again as a tour for visitors in 1976, nearly 100 years after the mine originally opened.

What is the history of the Techatticup mine? ›

The Techatticup Mine, located in 1861, was the most important mine in El Dorado Canyon. It produced millions of dollars in gold ore, and was originally served by steamboats on the Colorado River. The mine's name is taken from two Paiute words meaning "hungry" or "bread".

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 5883

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.